Friday, April 25, 2014

The Kiddie Track

The Track also had a nice kiddie section with about 6 rides.  Camden is still at a point where she enjoys them immensely...although her eyes are starting to catch the bigger rides and she is beginning to think she wants to do them.  In the meantime, I loved catching her genuine smiles as she flew, swung, and circled.


But the best part of the evening and one of my trip highlights was watching her drive her own mini go-cart. 

The intensity on her face was priceless.  It had a governor on it so it went fairly slow, but she was in complete control of driving it and thought it was the best!

I had to work really hard to get her to look at me because she was concentrating so intently.

Love the sign: Caution Dangerous Drivers!

I also had to capture one lap.  Go Speed Racer, go!

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