Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dinosaur Museum

Camden has an incredible memory.  She asks for things or talks about things that happened months before.  Sometimes I have to decipher the meaning of some phrases she utters, but recently she began telling us we needed to go to the "dinosaur museum."  She was insistent every day for about a week.  I realized she was asking to go back to the Terre Haute Children's Museum.  They have a big dinosaur at the entrance.  She said she had to play on the computer and take care of the doggies and kittens. 

A few new items we discovered.  The vet area has an "xray" station.

Vet Camden had to have every instrument on her table in order to take care of this doggie.

She also remembered to put on her lab coat during the procedures.

Then we were off to the second floor (my personal favorite) to play in the farm kitchen and grocery shop.

There were water adventures at the water table,

beehives to explore (real and play),

and lots of things to ride.

It's worth the 45 minute drive to have such a great time together.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Toes and Wishes

Camden got to spend the evening with her GaGa on Wednesday so that Kevin and I could have a night out.  She came running in the house afterward dancing and waving her hands and feet.  Kevin quickly interpretted and told her to show me.  GaGa had painted Camden's nails...fingers and toes.  Can't believe she sat still long enough to do that, but Camden told us she "painted."  That was the magic word because she does a lot of painting projects at school and loves to paint her arms with markers.  GaGa and Camden always have such fun when they are together.

It's also GaGa's special day today.  Your card, complete with a drawing of you (with a BIG smile), is on it's way.  Camden and I will interpret the rest of the picture when we see you.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GAGA!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gramma Pat Excursion

Camden and I met Gramma Pat for a little "hang time" this weekend. We stopped at a few stores to shop and enjoyed lunch together at Chick-fil-a. It's always nice to spend time with Gramma!

I love the gingham skirt that Kevin found for adorable!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

 You would think it would be easier to get 4 guys and a little girl to all look at the camera and not blink their eyes...oh's the sentiment.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Butterfly Swimsuit

Camden's daycare is having water day every Monday in the summer.  She needed to take a swimsuit, water shoes, and towel to be able to play in the sprinkler.  I had bought her yellow one on clearance at the end of the year last summer (bargain!) and she had already worn it so much over the winter and this spring, that it was deemed her "old" suit.  Plus her green one (which was the "old one") was really getting too small for her to wear in public...or be comfortable.  A Kohl's 30% off coupon later, Camden has a new, colorful swimsuit for use at home.  I bought it a size bigger so she has room to grow through the year...and it can be her "old one" next summer.

I love the ruffles on the straps.  Makes it look like her butterfly wings.

And what a smile!

Monday, June 13, 2011


As we were walking around the festival, Camden kept saying, "I want a bag."  It didn't take us too long to catch on that she wanted the bag that tons of other kids had - the one with a new goldfish.

We made our way to the booth, paid our one ticket, and Camden got 3 balls.  On the second shot...

...Camden had her bag...goldfish and all.

She proceeded to squeeze it and shake it and poke it the rest of the time she held it.  Which, was not too much longer, once we realized she was going to continue to "love" it in such a manner.

We got it home and got a glass vase out.  We let the fish acclimate to the new water for a few hours.

Then Camden helped Kevin open the bag and dump the fish into the bowl onto the floor!  Kevin scooped it up (fearing we now had sealed it's fate, since you aren't supposed to touch one).

The fish swam around and seemed fine. 

Camden learned how to pinch a little food and feed her fish.

The next morning when the fish was still swimming along, we told Camden we should name it.  We made a few suggestions until we landed on one that everyone liked.  Sunshine.  We're keeping the bowl on the table for now and Camden likes saying "hi sunshine" and "bye sunshine" everytime she goes through the kitchen.  She really likes her first pet...although I'm still holding my breath for how many days we will have with Sunshine.

Strawberry Festival

This weekend was Crawfordsville's annual Strawberry Festival.  I had never gone before (so neither had Camden), so we got Kevin out of bed a little early on Saturday afternoon and headed to the fun.  I have to say again how much I love the festivals in Crawfordsville. They are small enough to be able to enjoy and yet you see good things and run into lots of people that you know.  We could even take Camden in her stroller so we could move at a good pace and not have to worry about containing her in the crowd, but also not feel like we were in everyone's way.  

There was a tractor show and a car show. 

Lots of food booths.  Kevin and I had eaten before we went (so we wouldn't be tempted by all the fried yumminess), but Camden needed dinner. She selected a pretzel with cream cheese.

Then we headed to the children's section.  It had lots of good booths.  Several bouncy house things, game booths (sponsored by local churches or clubs), and PONY RIDES!

Camden loved it!  She has liked the idea of horses a lot lately.  We've been reading a few books about them, too.  So she selected the one she wanted to ride, got right up on it, and enjoyed the entire experience.  Kevin walked beside her, but she didn't need him close to feel comfortable.

Of course, Camden had to enjoy a strawberry treat before we left.  She selected homemade ice cream with fresh strawberries on top.  The red tractor in the background is actually running a belt that churned the ice cream maker.  It was a big scoop of ice cream with tons of berries on top.  Camden couldn't begin to eat the whole thing, but she sure enjoyed it!