Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy 87th Birthday, Great-Grandma Beasley

We headed to southern Illinois on Saturday to celebrate this birthday with Kevin's extended family.  Camden is slowly getting to know this group of cousins and joined them in playing in the sandbox.

Just before we got there, several of the kids did a frog hunt, rounding up about 15 small frogs that were hopping all over the yard.  They were keeping them in a box and then the sandbox.  At some point they released them and Camden tracked one down with a cup.  It was so hilarious to watch her mixture of pride at catching a frog and squealing/squirming each time it jumped and tried to get out.  I didn't catch it on video (or very well in a picture), but it sure was a fun moment in the day.

They roasted a hog and had other pitch-in dishes.  Camden most enjoyed GaGa's ham salad and cucumbers in sour cream sauce.

GaGa snapped a great picture of Kevin and I.  I had it blown up and framed for my office. 

No birthday would be complete without cake and singing.  Camden and her Uncle Rick liked when Great Grandma (and Aunt Thelma) blew out the candles.

GaGa and her siblings with their mother...

Kevin and a few of his cousins (some of the grandkids)...

The great grandkids...

Four generations (too bad GaGa's eyes were closed, but still a nice photo)...

Camden enjoyed a piece of birthday cake (with purple icing) before we headed home.  It was a beautiful day and celebration.

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Flock

Our small group at church has been changed with the start of the new year.  It's nice to get to know some new folks a bit better.  Our first get-together was simply to meet and enjoy one another.  One of the older couples in the group lives on Lake Waveland and invited the flock to meet there.  It's hard to imagine that this little neighborhood is tucked off the road just a few miles from us.  It looks like a village in New England, not the middle of Indiana.  Kevin thinks it looks like the set of a horror film...

Families (kids) were invited, so we brought Camden figuring there would be some others.  However, there is only one other couple with young kids in our group and they weren't able to come.  Everyone else is either in the grandparent stage or newly married (there is one couple due with their first on Sept. 15).  So Camden was the center of attention and was lavished on by the "grandparents."  She got to ride the golf cart down to the boat slip and lead the way for everyone else.

 It was a perfect night to be out on the water.  We realized it was also Camden's first boat trip.  She loved everything about it...the breeze, the birds, the sun, the waves, etc.  Well, she didn't like the life vest, but that's too bad!

You might be able to tell in this fantastic picture above that Kevin hit the 100 lbs lost mark this week!

Lightening was rolling in and storms were in the forecast, so we headed back to the shore and had some ice cream before saying goodnight to everyone.  We look forward to the future times together with this terrific group of people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Doctor & Dentist Report

Camden had her 3 year check-up on Tuesday.  She hadn't been sick in a while, so it was our first visit to the doctor in like 6 months!  She was her typical self...had to be persuaded to get on the scale and let the nurse get her height (which was still a little of a "best guess"), but overall, was the best I've seen her at the doctor. 

She was a little apprehensive and struggled against the nurse with the blood pressure cuff, but she let Dr. Joshi look in her ears (small miracle) and even opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.  She's at the 90th percentile in both height and weight (doctor is pleased since they are both tracking together) and no worries with any developmental milestones.  She weighs 34.6 lbs and is 39" tall.

I had also scheduled her first dental visit for later that morning so I would only miss one day of work.  We have a top-rated pediatric dentist in Crawfordsville, so that's where we are going. 

I've been talking to her for about a month about going to the dentist, and she always insists that her teeth are already clean. We watched a few videos and read a few books, but she was still pretty resistent to the idea.  She actually has been to the dentist twice to look at her teeth after the accident, but they were both very brief, open the mouth and quickly assess, visits.  Most people had been telling me that this first visit wouldn't be much different...just "tickling the teeth" and quickly assessing.  Well....

We arrived a little early and Camden enjoyed the waiting room.  They had a little carousel that she enjoyed riding and some papers she liked stacking and passing out, but there wasn't alot else.  I was a little surprised with the lack of toys, but later learned why...

I was happy to hear Camden say (several times) that she was ready to go back to see the dentist.

The assistant called Camden's name and we both headed back. 

The exam room had a whole toy section and there were several exam tables on the other side of the room where she could see other children being treated.  The assistant talked briefly with me about medical history, then I headed back to the waiting room and Camden played and waited her turn....

About 40 minutes later they brought Camden out, complete with pouty lip, tears, and wimpers.  She clung to me (and drooled all over my shirt) while we went back to get the report.  Like many first timers, they assured me, she screamed and "fought" them for the first part of the visit, but finally let them do the exam.  They had brushed, flossed, given a flouride treatment, and a full exam!  All that is great, but she was sure not liking how her mouth felt (and who could blame her).  They found several areas of concerns and want to ramp up the preventative care.  We have some high flouride toothpaste and will go back for another flouride treatment in between the 6 month regular appointment.  We will probably also have sealent put on two of her back teeth to prevent some spots from getting food stuck/infected and causing a cavity.

Camden wimpered and held her mouth funny all the way to Lafayette for lunch with Grammy.  We got a little food, but she would take a bite and spit it out.  She drooled everywhere and wouldn't talk!  She slept all the way home and then some.  When she got up and was ready to try eating, she successfully got some down, declared that the "blue stuff" was gone from her teeth, and exclaimed that she was all better.  I think it was the flouride or "varnish" they put on her teeth that had left such a bad feeling in her mouth. 

It seems pretty traumatic, but her teeth actually do look a lot better and she loves the new toothpaste.  Hopefully future appointments will go well!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy 90th Birthday Grammy!

Tuesday, August 23rd was my Grammy's 90th birthday.  I have been blessed with this great woman in my (our) life for so long...she's one amazing lady!

Camden and I made a stop at lunch with her, Aunt Carole, and Great Aunt Linda.  No pictures with Camden, though...she was still smarting from her first dentist appointment (update soon)...

GaGa's Nail Salon

Pink with sparkles was the color today!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Adoption Center

We had a little shopping to do after our morning at the park.  Outside one of the stores was a pet adoption event held by a local rescue shelter.  We enjoyed meeting a few pups.

We finally left when we realized we were both getting really tempted to take one home.  We are soooo close to being ready for a pet, but circumstances aren't quite ideal (house on the market, our schedules, etc) for us to dive in right now.  

Danville Woods

The other nice thing about this park is that there was a nice pond and a wood with trails.  We took advantage of the beautiful day and explored.

Camden was intrigued by the duck.  She slowly inched her way toward it...and then offered a french fry!

When the duck made a few steps toward her, I quickly instructed her to toss it to the duck and to come join me...I did not really want to see a duck attack over a McDonald's fry.

Then we headed into the woods and took a brief trek on a simple trail.

A fun, family outing!

Danville Park

Kevin had a change at his job and now has weekends off.  It's the first time since we've been married that we have had the same weekend!  He gets home Friday morning and doesn't go back until Sunday night.  He has to sleep a few hours on Friday morning, but other than that, we get a true weekend together.

We didn't have a lot planned for this weekend, so decided to head toward Indy and figure it out.  We knew we wanted to have some play time, so we stopped at a new park in Danville.  I think it was my favorite park to date.  It had a huge, three story play structure, plus a smaller toddler one.  The big slide (probably the biggest/steepest one I've ever seen) was a little too intimidating to her and a few of the others were too "fast and scary" for her to attempt alone, but she really enjoyed this outing.

Thursday, August 18, 2011