Friday, July 31, 2009


It may be more accurate to say Easiest.Baby.Ever.

Camden has been a very easy baby - since the beginning. She was sleeping through the night since about her 2nd or 3rd week home. She never spits up much. Hasn't been sick. Was a little fussy when teething, but nothing major...and no medicine needed. Her diapers don't leak. It's always been fairly easy to know what she needs too. If she's hungry, it's obvious. If she's tired, she curls up in a lap. If she needs a diaper change, well...there is a dead give away for that one. She's a great eater. Not even that messy, either. We have been truly blessed with a wonderful, easy, content, happy, communicative child.

We have always rocked or held her to sleep. Part of it is because, as a working mom, it's the time of the day I get to be with her. But part of it is because I really, really like doing it. However, we're getting ready to transition her to day care a few days a week and she needs to be able to go down for a nap on her own. Plus it's just time.

I was dreading the screaming and fighting and horror of leaving her in the crib and letting her cry herself to sleep. I'd read lots of articles and knew this was going to be part of it. I bit the bullet on Monday night and put her down in her crib, but sat in a chair next to it. She sat for a while, cried for a while, and laid down every once in a while. All the books had advised letting that happen for five minutes the first night, before soothing and repeating. She wasn't doing too bad, so we sat in her room for about 10 minutes before she started to get a little more teary. I picked her up, took her to the couch, and she was out in 2 minutes. I took her to her room and she slept the rest of the night.

Last evening, I took her to her crib a little earlier than usual when she was showing signs she was done for the night. I took the bear she'd been playing with and her xylophone too, then left the room. She played very contently for about 5 minutes, jabbering on and on and playing with her toy. She'd let out a little whiney cry and then go back to playing or even laying down for a few minutes. She did this for about a half hour until she was worn out and laid down for good. I never went back in once. She slept through the night.

To top it off, she even helps clean up around the house.

I'm just!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Few Misc. Birthday Pictures

What a spectacular day spent with the people who love Camden the most in this world!

And a closer look at the star of the show!

My Birthday Party - Part III (The Presents)

We ended the birthday celebration with Camden opening the gifts that her fans brought her. Kevin and I bought her a Radio Flyer ATW wagon which we filled up with the presents. It was quite the stash!

Camden wasn't really interested in tearing the paper which surprised us. She loves paper.

But once she realized there were good things inside, she happily sat on my lap in anticipation.

A flip toy from Amanda and Joseph (which she now plays with every evening as she's winding down for bedtime).

Her first pair of real sneakers (Nike's) from Aunt Carole, Uncle Ric, La La, and Ra Ra.

An adorable "First Birthday" Pooh figurine from Papaw Haile.

Tonka Trucks from Cousin Amanda.

A new doll baby to love from Uncle Brian and Aunt Angie.

A barnyard set that has all kinds of animals and makes great sounds from Gramma Pat and Jim. This one, too, she plays with all the time. If she's not pushing it around the living room, she's opening doors to hear the moo's and neighs or putting the pig in her mouth.

Gramma also got her some new socks...Is it just my imagination or does it seem like Camden has that sarcastic 'oh boy, just what I wanted...socks!' expression on her face? Does it really begin this young?

A teaset of her own from Grandma and Grandpa French.

Plus cards, books, a new ball, a teddy bear and many, many more wonderful things from others.

OOOHHHH, but then it was time to check out the wagon.

Camden loves to sit in it, ride in it, and stand in it (a desire that we are constantly trying to change). But the best thing about her wagon is that she can push it.

The girl's a beast. She's got powerful legs and arms. Look at that face! She loves it!

Happy Birthday Gramma!

Camden sure has loved getting to know you this year. You were the first one to meet her and you spoil her rotten with your "finds."

We hope your day is extra-special because you are a terrific grandma! All our love...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Birthday Party - Part II (The Cake)

I had a great time making the cake for Camden. Staying with the theme, she had a beach ball and flipflop cake, as well as a bucket of sand (aka "dirt pudding"). Having never decorated a cake before (besides simply frosting it), I'm very proud of how it turned out...if I do say so myself!

Not everyone is a big fan of the tradition, but in my family, we do let babies "have at" their first birthday cake. Camden has had small bites of cake before, but never frosting. This was a real treat - especially because it's already obvious she has inherited a hankering for anything sweet!

She was a little gun shy at first, not quite sure what to do. But after an assurance that she was allowed to...and a little sample taste with my help, she tentatively took the first bite.

There is quite a bit of carnage to follow, so turn back now, if you have an aversion to these types of photos. 'Cause the girl went to town!

She really enjoyed the "squish factor" more than anything. Although she ate a fair share of the cake, too.

She was more than happy to tell her Daddy all about it (although she refused to share a bite of her cake with him).

I think Camden likes birthdays...and birthday cake!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Birthday Party - Part I (The Boil)

The theme of Camden's 1st Birthday was "the Ocean." After seeing how much she loved our time at the shore during our trip out East, we knew we wanted to do something on this theme. We settled on a shrimp boil for dinner. It's a fantastic and easy way to serve a crowd...and we had 21 guests at the party! Everything is cooked in one big pot (and by big I mean ginormous). The "boys" oversaw that part of the party.

The birthday girl happily hung out with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and, of course, grandma while we waited for everything to cook.

Once the potatoes, corn on the cob, onions, kielbasa, garlic, and shrimp are cooked, it's poured directly out onto paper-lined tables and everyone digs in. No plates or utensils allowed. Cocktail sauce, mustard and butter was put right on the paper for dipping.

Okay, we let Grammy use a plate and fork!

The only glitch was one of our burners didn't work very well, so we had to stagger the serving of food. It didn't matter, the guys happily dug into round two. Hey, Spencer, stop digging out the shrimp!

We also grilled up a whole pile of chicken for those who don't like seafood, are deathly allergic to it (sorry, again, Angie), or can't have it yet because they are only a one-year-old!

Overall, it was a smash hit. Everyone raved. The Zatarain's spices that season the whole dish were marvelous - as well as the garlic that is squished out and spread on bread, potatoes, or corn. One of the best things about this kind of meal is the clean-up...or lack of! You simply roll up the paper and toss away. Perfect. We definitely have plans to do this type of party again in the near future.

What a great start to celebrating the birthday of our most amazing and beautiful daughter!