Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mashed Taters

Camden spent Saturday with GaGa and Grandpa while we were at Mary's funeral.  We had planned to be back around dinner time and Camden made sure to tell us that she wanted us to come AFTER dinner.  We knew that only meant one thing...GaGa was planning mashed potatoes.

We got there before dinner, so sat with them while they ate.  I wasn't hungry, but I did sneak a few bites of them because they are truly delicious!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Easter Morning

Sophia spent the night on Saturday so she could go to church with us on Easter.  We were up bright and early and had an egg hunt before church.  Unfortunately the girls got up when Ginger woke them with her barking BEFORE the bunny could hide the eggs. 

It was cold and damp, so the eggs were hidden in the family room.

Or so they thought.

I hid more than half of them outside.  I had to keep in the open along the driveway and little in the bushes because the ground was still wet, but they were thrilled to have to discover there were more!


In the back of my trunk was a small basket for each of them.  They didn't even see it until I pointed out they need to look for more stuff near the garage.  They walked by them at least 3 times each!

Back inside to check out their loot.


Thursday, April 25, 2019


These girls think they can finish a footlong.  Camden can!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Our Rock Star

Camden needed a haircut...badly!  I made arrangements for it to be cut while my hair was done.  She was not thrilled (it didn't hurt that she had been home that day with a migraine and the lingering effects were still apparent).  She offered up, "I'll get my hair cut if I can get it colored too."  Hmmm...maybe a little streak of color, if daddy allows it.

One text later and purple was the option.

Step one:  strip the hair to prepare for color.

Step two:  Rinse out the product and dry hair.

You can still see in/under her eyes the lingering migraine.

She loved it just being blonde too!  Said it was just like when she was little.

Step three:  Add the purple dye. 

She picked the purple shade.  The stylist had showed her one that was darker and she wanted it a little less intense.

Step four:  Rinse the color out and dry.  Just like the "old" days.  Perfect for a person who doesn't like the blow dryer.

Step five:  Reveal.  She/we love it!  The stylist also cut her hair so that her waves were more noticeable.  The color will slowly fade to lavender and then go to blond as it grows out.  


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Crawfordsville Egg Hunt

We enjoyed our last Crawfordsville egg hunt at the Lew Wallace Study.  She has aged out!  

The line was long and we enjoyed the bubbles and chalk while we waited to enter.

Then inside the grounds to wait...and wait...and wait.

But there were lots of eggs!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Party

Last Saturday we picked up Nataly for some Easter activities around town.  The first one was an annual event at the local "mall."  It's a pretty rinky-dink event, but a nice 45 minute diversion outdoors.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Spring Break 2019: Friday Night Out

We took Friday afternoon and headed to Indy.  We stopped at one of our favorite movie theaters to see Dumbo and let Camden experience the reclining theater seats.

We selected sushi for dinner and took a chance on a nearby all-you-can-eat place.  It actually was quit good and we would go again.