Friday, December 30, 2011

Riley Visit

Preslee has been at Riley since Christmas Eve.  Her breathing has returned to normal, but the vomitting and diarrhea was still occuring.  On Tuesday, I took GaGa and Grandpa to Indianapolis to get Grandpa's stitches taken out at the plastic surgeons.  Since we were near, it was the perfect opportunity to visit Preslee and Amanda.

Her color was really good and she was eating well which was positive.  When you look at her she looks fairly healthy and even chunky.  Except when you realize that at 10 lbs, she'd be "chunky" for a one month old, not at 4 month old.

They took her for an ultrasound on her kidneys while we were there.  She still has fluid on one of them that she has had for the past month.  They still aren't sure if this is the source of all the illnesses.  We really pray for answers soon.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Grammy's Gift

Grammy and Aunt Linda joined us for Christmas dinner.  It always wonderful to have Grammy able to join the family and get a break from the nursing home.

Some of my favorite memories from my childhood Christmas' were dinner at Grammy and Aunt Mirna's followed by games with cousins and singing Christmas carols and hymns with the whole family.  Grammy always was a whiz on the piano.  She never read sheet music, but played by ear.  As her eye sight left her a decade or so ago, one of the things she (and all of us) missed most was her piano playing. 

I was in the kitchen helping prep food when I heard someone tinkering on the piano.  Carole's kids weren't out in the living room, so the only person it could be was Grammy.  She was only able to play with one hand (she always played chords with her left), but she plucked out her favorite Christmas tune.  I LOVED hearing her play - even if it was a very simple piece...Grammy played the piano!  It was my favorite Christmas gift.

Christmas Hotel

We stayed in Lafayette for the night at a hotel...with a pool, of course!

 ReeRee and LaLa came into town for a dip, too.  Camden had a blast with her crazy cousins.

Gramma Pat and Grampa Jim were also at the same hotel.  We had both used Priceline, but got the same deal!

After swimming, Camden enjoyed a burger and fries from McDonald's (one of the few places open on Christmas evening).  She loved that our room had a platform and mirrors as the headboard for our bed and used it as her table.

Lafayette Christmas

Camden opened her last few gifts on home on Christmas morning, we went to church, and then headed to Lafayette for Christmas dinner with my family.  Gramma Pat and Grampa Jim spoiled her with more presents!

She got a Cabbage Patch "Dirty to Clean" doll.  It has some dirty spots on it that come clean when you give it a bath.  Then when it dries, the spots appear again.  She has enjoyed it every bathtime since.

She received some new markers, stickers, cotton candy, and several games.  Gramma Pat joined in the fun, then Camden got a big game of Dora Bingo going with Daddy, Uncle Ric, and ReeRee.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve

Another tradition is Christmas Eve at GaGa and Grandpa's.  Unfortunately, Preslee had a setback and was lifelined to Riley again, so she, Hali, and Amanda were not going to make it.  Camden was the only youngster this year (since the other grandbabies are high schoolers or older).  GaGa let her shake her present before we dug in to the yummy wings and such.

Camden brought her new Woody and Bullseye toys (along with the Buzz she already owned).  I stumbled across this scene on the den floor once Camden got distracted by other new a scene out of one of her favorite Toy Story movies...

Finally it was time to open her gifts.

She got a train set.  GaGa even painted "CSX" on it since that is where Kevin works.

One of her cousins, Emily, had to help Camden with her other gift since it was so big!

A little red wagon for her dolls just like her big red wagon.  It came with a little white kitten (which she named "Hankaroni" just like Uncle Ric's dog), but I think there will be many trips for Max in it as well!

GaGa helped her put the train together. 

It was a wonderful evening together...and Camden was just a little bit spoiled!

Christmas Eve Christmas

We held our annual Christmas Eve Christmas with Papaw and Austin.  First we have breakfast - featuring monkey bread - and then we open presents.

Stockings are always first!  Camden scored some candy, stickers, books, and a new Veggie Tales CD for in the car.

Also a flashlight and a "fart" tub of slime...always good for some giggles.

She also opened most of her gifts.  We set aside 3 for Christmas morning.

Papaw gave her a new penguin ornament that sings, dances, and glows.  It's a tradition that he has established and we usually keep it out for several days since she enjoys dancing and singing along with it. 

I picked up this fishing game at the last minute...think it's one of my favorites, since it's educational AND she enjoys playing it with someone or even by herself.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Dressing

I found a really cute plaid skirt for Camden at a resale shop on clearance several months ago (maybe was even last year!).  I forgot I had it until I was getting her dressed for church on Sunday.  It is a perfect holiday outfit (although I have refused to buy her a pair of black dress shoes when her white ones still fit her...I break all the fashion rules, but she still looks cute!).

If only I could get her to stand still...and look at the camera!

I guess sitting is the better option.

Kevin and I taught preschool Sunday School that morning and decided to keep Camden in the room with us.  It is a new room used for our church's preschool, so it has cool toys and playthings...including "The Rock."

Camden wants to be 4 so she can come to this room every Sunday!

December Birthdays Bash

There are 4 of us with birthdays within a week and a half in December.  Brian (Kevin's brother) was born on 12/7, Kevin on 12/9, me on 12/16, and Brian's girlfriend on 12/20.  GaGa had all her "kids" over for a wonderful prime rib dinner.  Amanda (who's birthday is in early January) and her two kids also joined us.  Preslee is, thankfully, growing like a weed.

Camden enjoys helping out with little miss Preslee Marie.

Of course, stories with GaGa are special too.  Camden always sits on the arm of her chair.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Living Nativity

After the yummy dinner, the three of us went to Faith Baptist Church for the Living Nativity.  They have done this for 15+ years and I have never gone.  The drive-through line was long, so we decided to park and walk.  It was nice to go at our own pace and get done quickly.

Camden was a little bit of a grump (such a theme lately) and didn't want to be in any pictures.  I was finally able to snap one in the crowd scene at the Jerusalum market.

The nativity scene was only about half way through the "program".  The other half was the life of Jesus and his death/resurrection.

I liked the scene of Jesus walking on water and calming the seas.  Because it was so dark, it was hard to get pictures of other scenes.

As I said, we went through fairly quickly.  I think we'll do it again in a few years when Camden's a bit older and we can take more time at each scene, listening to the story being told, and taking in the "action" a little more.