Friday, August 30, 2013


Camden had her 5 year check up earlier this month - actually on July 30.  She had her last 4 immunizations for a while!
She remains in the upper percentages on the growth chart.  She is 44" tall (75-90%) and 46lbs (75%).  They also calculated her BMI.  It was 16.9 which is 85% and completely in the normal range.

The doctor did hear a small heart murmur, but was not overly concerned.  She said she is in a growth spurt and this can be a normal part of that.  She said if we wanted to get it checked out, we should wait until our insurance deductible was met and then see a cardiologist.  We will continue to have it monitored at checkups and see if it remains a non-concern before we act on it.

Love this growing girl!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Monster Golf

After the CSX party, we decided to stay in Avon and do something.  It was a fairly hot day, so we decided to check out indoor putt-putt at Monster Golf.  Camden does not have a good track record in previous miniature golf attempts, but she was much younger.
Capturing a picture in a dark room with neon lights is not my forte.  However, you can get an idea of what it was like.

Kevin has a much steadier hand and was able to capture better shots.  Camden loved that our clothes and shoes also glowed.  Plus our balls, the score card, and every hole.

Camden played every hole.  She "teed" off and usually did at least one other shot.  But then she'd take her ball right next to the hole and putt it in.  We were very pleased with her play!  I think all those days this summer at Turkey Run Golf Club with her Dad and Grandparents have paid off.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

CSX Family Day

We had a full weekend!  On Sunday, Kevin's work had Family Day.  It was held at a park in Avon.  They had reserved the entire park for the event.  There was a fun section of bounce "houses."

The Wrecking Ball was Camden' favorite.  Probably because she had never experienced it before.  Everything else was old hat.

She said her favorite activity was the train ride.  We let her ride by herself. 

The funny part was that at this party for train employees, the toy train broke down and couldn't get running again.  Where are the car men when you need them!

The local D.A.R.E. police officer and his car were there.

Plus Darweena the clown - complete with SpongeBob shirt!  Camden got a green snake on her arm and a green snake balloon.  Can you guess her new favorite color?  Not sure where the snake choice came from.

On our way out, she tried these large tricycles.  She couldn't reach the pedals to make them go.  She quickly figured out that she could put her feet behind her on the back wheels and spin them to make herself go.  One smart cookie!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Taste 2013

Saturday evening was the annual Taste of Montgomery County.  We missed last year, but have gone every year that it's existed.  We love this event!  The Lew Wallace Study grounds is nicely shaded and gives plenty of room for the crowd, but is not too spread out.  

Camden's favorite selections were the mini corndogs, chicken alfredo pizza, and brownies.  Kevin and I loved the gyros, lemon raspberry tart, grilled lamb pizza, carmel pecan pumpkin rolls, El Charra tacos, and the macaroni & cheese (with Fair Oaks cheese).  Yes, we sampled/shared a lot of food!

Camden loved the swing band that was playing when we arrived.  She had her first "course" and danced in her seat to the jazzy music.  Too bad there was a lull in the live music between 6:30-8pm because she would have loved to jam to more.

Since Crawfordsville is such a small community, we always run into people we know.  This year, even Camden ran into "friends" - her school secretary came over to say hi and one of her friends, Macie, from Preschool was there.  But our favorite run-in:  Gramma Pat & Grampa Jim!

They had been staying with Jim's daughter Linda in Lafayette this weekend and they all decided to come down for the event.  Linda and her husband Ken come every year as well.  We hadn't shared our plans when we were together on Friday night, so were pleasantly shocked to see them. 


Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy 92nd Grammy!

Friday our dear Grammy turned 92.  Kevin and Camden met me at the nursing home to give her our birthday love.  They stopped at Rubia and picked out a beautiful bouquet of roses.

Aunt Carole, Uncle Ric, Gramma Pat and Grampa Jim were also there.  Afterward we went to Red Lobster to celebrate.  Well...Grammy didn't come (she prefers to stay "home" and not get out in crowds), but we had a nice dinner in her honor!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Evening Activities

After dinner, we decided to spend some time playing outside together.  It seems like we go so much or just veg out in the evening.  It was too beautiful not to get outside.
We decided to see if Camden would be up for trying to ride her little bike without the training wheels.  She can't do it on the big pink one since she can't touch the ground easily.  She was totally game!  

Kevin held her back the entire time and she was wobbly.  After a few passes around the front yard, she was done.  It was a good first effort and we didn't push her to keep at it.  She will master it when she is ready and we want her to continue to be willing to try.
Next we got out our frisbees.  Camden is much better this year.  She definitely has the motion and almost has aim down.

A break to pet the doggie across the street.

Then onto softball.  She gave a great effort at using a mitt. 

She kept her eye on the ball, but still had a hard time opening and squeezing the mitt to catch it.

She has a decent throw and decent aim...for a rookie! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The day had finally arrived.  We picked up Camden's IPad on Monday night.  Every kid (including Kindergarteners) get their own IPad for use at school.  Camden's (all the K's) is actually a Mini.  And thankfully the teacher plans on keeping it at school. 

We waited in an incredibly hot, unorganized mess to pick it up and sign our life away, but she was ecstatic!  She also will probably know more than the teacher because she was showing us some stuff last night.  Oh the brain on this child!


Monday, August 19, 2013

Saturday Markets

One of the best things about where we live is that we are so close to several Amish farms and market stands.  After having a nice lazy morning at home, we picked up Paxton and headed out for fresh produce.
At the first stand, we found wonderful melons.  Camden and I both really wanted a watermelon even though Kevin doesn't like them.  We selected a nice heavy one and some corn on the cob for one dinner this week.  The kids quickly found that there were rabbits in cages under the trailer and were fascinated while I shopped.


Just about 1/2 mile down the road was an Amish homestead.  There corn was much better and I wish I had waited!  But they also had some nice zucchini and tomatoes.  The kids were once again fascinated by the animals nearby.

We were in a little town called Bellmore.  One of the best things about this one stoplight town is The Big Berry.  It's a classic Indiana ice cream shop (think Tasty Freeze/Frozen Custard/Lindy Freeze) and is also known for it's cheeseburgers.  My favorite reason to stop here is the onion rings!
We enjoyed lunch inside the small building, but took our ice cream cones outside.  It was a beautiful sunny, but not too hot summer day.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kiwi Lantern

We are behind on Kiwi Crates.  Our summer has been busy!  We finally got one out and did this project.  Camden loved using the star punch to make stars in 8 sheets of paper.

She then used stickers to attach the paper in each side of the lantern.

The finished project!

A little battery operated light placed inside makes it glow.  She is excited to put it on the porch when it's dark.  Thankfully the sun is down shortly after 9 now, otherwise it's has started!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten

Camden woke up super early for her first day of school.  I think she was excited.  Can't believe the difference a year (or 4) makes.  What a big girl!

 * on this should be 2009.  I'll correct when I have access to a different computer.  She was 1 and just had her cast off the week before.
She dressed herself and waited patiently for me to be able to do her hair.  It wasn't until she got home from school that we realized she had her shorts on backwards all day!
I like the crown braid I put in her hair.  It kept her hair from being in her face, but lots of her fine strands made their way out.  She plays so hard it is no wonder, but it was still better than all down in her face.

She desperately wants to ride the bus, but since we are literally 2 minutes from the building, we are dropping her off and picking her up.  The timing in the morning is perfect for me...and Kevin would need to get up at the same time whether she walked or rode. 

She waved her envelope of breakfast/lunch money as I took her picture.  She is not a morning person and doesn't like to eat breakfast early, so her decision to eat breakfast at school is a good one.  It's cheap and a great option for her.

She was so excited and ran in...I hollered at her, "what about my hug and kiss"...she did a quick about face and came running back, "Momma!".

After our goodbyes, she was off.  Her reports that evening were all positive and she seems to really love being back in school.

To celebrate, GaGa and Grandpa joined us that evening at Up the Creek for an ice cream treat.  Yes, that is a HUGE brownie sundae in front of her.  She did split it with her mom (my side has the whipped cream; hers has the gummy worms).

So happy and proud of our little Kindergartner!