Friday, May 31, 2019

Color Run 2019

Another tradition under the belt!  The NME student council does a color run for the graduating class.  


Rainbow prior to start:

And they are off:


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Volunteer Lunch & D.A.R.E. Party

The volunteer lunch was on Tuesday.  Camden got to join me in the community room for BBQ during her lunch period.  Turns out it wasn't that great of a spread, so she went and got her lunch from the lunchroom then joined me.  She was super excited for the extra long fries on her tray.

I was sticking around for another afternoon tradition and ended up joining Camden for a few rounds of Sorry back in her classroom.

Then the 5th graders all headed to the cafeteria for a pizza party with the D.A.R.E. officers.

They each got a bag of trinkets and a certificate for completing the drug resistance program.

The K-9 unit then gave a fun, enlightening presentation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Field Day

The last week (really 3 days) of school were a whirlwind.  There were activities galore starting with Field Day on Monday.

Fifth graders rotated between kickball/Wiffle ball/playground,


and relays led by Mr. Buck.

The afternoon ended with the annual tug-of-war.

Her class finished 2nd of the three 5th grade classes, but the winning class had some BIG boys in it.  The final tug was boys against girls.  I snuck on the end of the rope thinking I could help...was I wrong.  Those BIG boys were strong!