Friday, May 31, 2013


Kevin reports that they timed everything perfectly to avoid crowds and be able to experience all the zoo activities.  They followed the sea lion trainers with buckets of food to that exhibit and were able to watch the feeding.  Then they went to the giraffe exhibit just in time for feeding.  Kevin bought lettuce for Camden to feed it, but she got too nervous when she saw how big his tongue was!
Kevin didn't mind.  He liked the experience...but really couldn't believe how HUGE it's head and tongue were.


Camden has had lots of opportunities to ride ponies.  Most, however, have been connected to a circular thing that keeps them walking in a circle together.  At the FW Zoo, the horses walk a loop trail unattached to any contraption.  Camden's horse was named Cookie.

She loved being able to take Cookie for two loops around the track.

Kevin did walk beside her, but didn't have to assist at all.

Well, until Cookie wanted to go a third time and Kevin and one of the attendants had to grab it's reins and stop her. 

Zoo Experiences

The day was slightly overcast, but they were able to take in so many adventures.  The only thing she didn't do was the sky ride because Kevin wasn't sure once he paid for it, that she wouldn't chicken out.  She insisted to me that she really wanted to do it and wouldn't be afraid.  Next time...


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Going to the Zoo!

I had a work trip to Fort Wayne and scheduled it to allow Kevin and Camden to join me.  We headed up on Monday afternoon and enjoyed our hotel and indoor pool.  The next morning, as I did site visits, Kevin and Camden went to the FW Children's Zoo.

Several more posts of their adventures to follow tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Reading Program

The Crawfordsville Library reading program begins this week.  We stopped by to get her signed up.  The theme is space.  What a cute astronaut!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Silly Girls

We picked up Haliana on Sunday afternoon for some play time at the McDonald's in Clinton.  It's 30 miles away, but the best, and closest, indoor play area to us.  Very necessary on a rainy afternoon.  Plus Hali lives on our way!  

You can see how hard my sweaty girl plays.  Nuggets and fries were the perfect rest break.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Big Girl Bike

Camden was given a small bike (12" I believe) from some friends about 3 years ago.  She has enjoyed that bike!  But we really needed to upgrade it.  We have been semi-shopping for the last month (as the weather has warmed up) and wavered about waiting until her birthday (late July) and just letting her "get by" with the little one until then.  She loves to take spins on bikes whenever we are in a toy store/Walmart, so we are always checking things out.
Kevin and her were shopping on Tuesday at our local Walmart.  She wanted to take a spin around the aisle on a bike...and they found this one...

Camden fell in love.  I think the pink wheels and the pink backpack sealed the deal.  For having such tom-boy tendencies, she sure loves her pink!

It's an 18", but still had training wheels which was exactly what we wanted!  We are in no hurry to get her going without them, but I bet she'll be close by summer's end.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sleepover Activities

The afternoon and evening were filled with coloring, movies, and making dinner.

Rain was threatening, but they still got to do hot dogs and smores on the fire pit!

GaGa also got the blow-up mattress out (Camden called it a bouncy) for somersaults and sleeping.


Camden and Grandpa always enjoy time on the computer together.  She helps him find things in Seek & Find puzzles.  That (and Hangman) is also one of Camden's favorite things to do with GaGa on her Kindle.  It's no wonder she loves being at her Grandparent's house. Such fun and so much attention.  Oh the great memories they are creating!

Sleepover - Pool Party

For her older grandgirls, GaGa had periodic sleepovers.  Since Camden (her youngest grandgirl) and Hali (her oldest great-grandgirl) are at an age now that they can enjoy the event, she had them over for the night.
They started things off in the afternoon with a pool party.  GaGa bought her own pool since she is watching Camden three afternoons a week this summer.  Between the pool and the squirt guns, things got off to a fun start!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


She so loves her cat!  She asked me to take a picture of the two of them and then said, "Maxie won't look at the camera, but it's okay, you can take it anyway."

First Bible

Our church has started a series of "milestone" celebrations to mark various stages of a person's life.  The first one we took part in was child dedication.  This past Sunday, Camden took part in the First Bible milestone, designed for kids entering kindergarten and their families.  One of the pastors and the leaders of the children's programs led the day giving us instructions/teaching/encouragement in making the Bible central to our family life and instilling in our children it's importance.
But before things started, Pastor DJ, our worship leader, was playing around with some music on his computer and played the "chicken dance."  Camden's eyes lit up since Miss Lana had taught the kids this just last month.  She jumped up and made him do it with her!  

After the program, each child was presented with their own Bible and a certificate from the director, Kristen Thayer. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Everything Is Better With Friends

Camden has been missing her friends from school.  We stopped at the library on Thursday night and then stopped by Paxton's (who lives 1 door down from the library) to make plans to get together.  Camden was having none of it.  Paxton need to come over NOW.  It was a beautiful night, so I thought it would be fun to get the bounce house out (it takes less than 3 minutes to set up).  They had a ball!  

Cameron (the neighbor girl across the street) came over too.  She is best friends with Paxton's older sister, so she knows him quite well too.  The three of them played for close to 1 1/2 hours.  Between that and sliding, swinging, and chasing each other around the yard, they were exhausted!  

Monday, May 20, 2013

CSX With Daddy

We dropped dinner off for Kevin on Saturday night.  It was the first time we actually went up to the tower to see what he does.  Talk about multi-tasking!  Betwen the 7 or 8 computer screens, the phone, the radio, the people coming up to ask him was amazing to see him work! 

Camden was pretty impressed to see the trains from up above and watch them go in all different directions.


When we left, she climbed the two stories of stairs up to the top of the hump and tried to see her dad up in the tower (he sits in the room at the top corner of the tower/building below).