Monday, May 31, 2010

Playing in Yard

Just a few quick shots I captured one evening last week while playing in the yard. The sun was setting and I love how the light is behind her (dirty face and all). I don't edit pictures, but publish shots SOOC (straight out of camera), so I love when I get cool images with messing too much.

We have a pretty powerful zoom for a Point and Shoot camera, but, because I have little photography background or skills, I often get fuzzy shots when too far away. So I was thrilled when I was sitting in the grass near the road and Camden was on the front porch making faces at me that I got these two hilarious ones.

(Kevin told her to stick her tongue out at me!)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

We went to the Columbian Park Zoo on Saturday. I used to go all the time as a kid and loved seeing the lions and Monkey Island, but hated how the old zoo house smelled and HATED the snakes. They have invested a lot of money since I was a kid into the new zoo and it's great. Camden loved seeing the various animals. It was pretty hot, though, so we went through fairly fast.

She wasn't crazy about the idea of a bug crawling on her. Daddy could hold it though and she liked sitting on the big one in front of the bug house.

And the llama was a little to hairy and scary for her to be comfortable...

Tractors and water are more to her liking!

The fountains were a BIG hit. She had to, literally, test the waters at first, but then there was no stopping her (although I did since I didn't want a soaked child with a full evening in front of us).

Yes...It's okay!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stop and Smell the Flowers

We love Spring! This week's weather has been tremendous and we have spent most evenings after dinner in the yard. Even chores like mowing are enjoyable. Camden loves eating her dinner on her table or playing on her slide. She especially loves the flower garden. Of course, some of it is the rocks she gets to play with. But she also really likes to smell the flowers.

Everything is just starting to bloom, so she walks to each plant and admires it. Then she'll usually bend down and smell each.

Racing GoKarts

To celebrate the last day of school, we took Austin (and Camden) to the go-kart track near Turkey Run.

Camden watched as Daddy and "Bubby" rode in the cars and wanted desperately to climb the fence and join them. I thought she might be intimidated, but she wanted to ride. We had already planned to take her in the second race, but I couldn't believe how excited she got at the prospect.

We loaded up and got strapped in.

We took easy, slow laps as the boys zoomed past us. But Camden LOVED it! Especially when her daddy pulled up next to her and "raced" beside her.

In this picture she looks in pain, but, in actuality, we had just finished the race and she is attempting to "smile" as I'm starting to kiss her. But, unfortunately, it was the best photo we snapped of both of us in the car!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Twin Lakes Camp

Saturday we spent the day with church friends at Twin Lakes Camp. The main activity was paintballing. Mostly the boys took part in this, although a few ladies joined in the fun. I played the role of photographer.

Getting instructions and the lay of the land....

The whole crew...

Kevin's team...

Austin's team...

Action in the woods (such a great playing field!)...

Between games...

How Camden spent the day....

A fun day for everyone!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Outback Birthdays

We met up with the Aunt Carole, Uncle Ric and their crew to celebrate birthdays at Outback on Friday night. It was also a semi-goodbye party for Joseph since he was going to Caterpillar in Peoria for a summer internship. Camden had to send him on his way by making sure he put on his chapstick (dug out of Amanda's purse).

After ice cream for the birthday girls, we headed to Starbucks for one last "Joseph discount" (since he won't be manager this summer, no more freebies). Then ended the night shopping at the Mall.

Happy Birthday (again) LaLa and ReeRee...and Mary!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Phone Call to GaGa

I love how active she is during this conversation. I also love their inside "jokes" - BUGS!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Daddy's Owie

Kevin had foot surgery on Friday and will be laid up for the next 2-4 weeks. He is already bored out of his mind! Hopefully after today's follow-up doctor's visit, he can be a little more active. Camden makes sure that Daddy wears his "shoe" whenever he walks.

She also does her part to entertain him. Usually she does that simply by her normal antics around the house, but last night she hopped in his lap and read him a book.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jump, Fun!

Our neighbors put up a trampoline this Spring. Camden got to check it out a few nights ago. Boy was she in love! A couple of the kids from our "hood" helped her out. You might recognize Cameron. She often comes over and plays with Camden when we are outside.

I had to have Cameron pick Camden up and carry her over to me to get her out. She left kicking and screaming...and kept saying, "Jump, fun, jump, fun."

Once the rain lets up, we'll have another go at it. She's addicted!