Friday, October 31, 2014

Haile Graveyard

I think she heard something that scared her....too funny!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


What will Camden be for Halloween?  A few hints...


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Final Game

Her first basketball season has come to an end.  She learned and improved so much, but it was a lot of commitment for everyone to get her to two practices and one game every week.  We relied on GaGa, Grandpa, Papaw, and even my coworkers on the days I had to leave early. 

Warm-up exercise and layup practice.

Working the defense during the game.

Awards Ceremony with certificate and new basketball.

Autographs from our favorite coach.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ironman 2014

 A very large national motocross event is held in Crawfordsville every year.  In fact, this was the 20th running of the Ironman.  Kevin has gone for many years, as has Austin.  Camden has watched from a distance - especially on Sunday morning as we drive to and home from church and the motorcycles are racing in the field.  Kevin was going to wait one more year to start taking Camden, but there was a school assembly on Friday that got her excited...and then Kevin went on Saturday to see the quads race.  So she asked him to take her to see the motorcycles and he couldn't resist.

"Here they come Dad!"

She cheered them on.

They headed into the woods to watch a different part of the action.

As Camden sat down at one spot to watch, someone warned Kevin that the bikes come pretty close to that area and he might want to move her.  Just then someone yelled, "Watch out!"  Kevin's instincts took hold and he grabbed Camden's arm and pulled her up and away just as a motorcycle crashed by. Those in the area patted Kevin on the back and told him, "Good job."  He said to me, "I didn't even think, I just grabbed my baby girl."  They left to get a snack and when Kevin was heading back to the woods, Camden refused.  He asked her why and she said the motorcycle actually hit her foot.  She never complained and it is fine, but she still says it clipped her foot when it crashed.  SCARY...and thank God for my hero husband!

Camden enjoyed sharing all kinds of snacks with her dad including a chocolate cheesecake on a stick and a berry smoothie.

They also checked out the new quads on display.  Camden says she wants one for Christmas.  Kevin would gladly buy one for her (or is it for him?).

She loved her day at the Ironman.  This will probably become an annual outing for these two.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Camden usually has about 10-15 minutes of homework a night.  Some nights it's just reading, some nights just math, some night both.  She does a great job of focusing and getting it done.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

School Awards

For the first six weeks of school.  Congratulations Camden!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Trunk or Treat

On of the local churches did their Trunk or Treat on Sunday night.  We have not settled on her costume yet, so we did a simple Spiderman with her t-shirt.  It would keep her warm plus allow her to play on the bounce houses that I knew were going to be there.

This was a very well done event with about 25 cars all with great decorations/themes.

Camden especially loved any of them that included a game.

The insurance one was my favorite - Jake from State Farm, Flo from Progressive, and the pig from Geico.  It quickly became Camden's favorite when she had to pick the cup in front of her favorite character - Jake - and when he lifted it, there was a full-size Snickers bar.

We spent a good deal of time at the three bounce houses.

Then we headed inside for some chili (there had been a contest, so most of it was gone) and playing in the gym to warm up.  Then back out to play on the bounce houses.  When the announcement came that there was 10 minutes left, we decided to go back through the Trunks for a little more candy.  Most were packing up so I didn't feel too bad that it was our second go-round.  About half way down the line we hear "Hey there! Hey there! Hey there, Camden!"  It was Mrs. Gonczarow.  Camden ran into her arms and got a big hug.  Her teacher has told me how much she likes Camden (and Camden feels the same), but you can really tell that they truly enjoy each other and have a similar bubbly, happy, big personality.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

I always like to pick our pumpkins from the field, so we decided to check out the only local pumpkin patch.   I knew it was small, but we wanted to support it.  It's called Priebe's and they are really trying to make it a nice full experience.  Best thing was everything was basically free (well...besides the pumpkins).

The first thing we did is go on a short nature walk through the property.  It was a perfect weather day and beautiful in the woods.

Next, they had a very small corn maze that we explored.

We did have to pay $1 to go on the hayride.  We were the only ones in the wagon, so we had fun throwing hay at each other.

The wagon stopped at the fire pit.  We bought a smore's kit ($1) that had one marshmallow, one miniature chocolate bar and 2 graham crackers for Camden.  I thought this was a great idea.  She roasted the marshmallow herself (and got it perfect!) then Kevin helped her assemble.

Finally we got a wagon and headed to the patch.

We always each pick one.  I liked the Cinderella one (see above) that was already picked, so despite my desire to pick from the field, I selected it.  Turns out it was rotting on the bottom and we switched it out for a cool gray-green one. 

Camden went searching for hers.

She discovered the one she wanted hidden under some leaves.  It had one small flaw, but otherwise was a great selection.  We even let her cut it from the vine.

We got them weighed, paid for, and loaded up for home.  What a nice outing!