Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NIFS, Part I

Camden had a field trip last Friday with all the Kindergarten, 3rd, and 5th grade students.  They went to the IUPUI campus to experience the National Institute of Fitness and Sports.  This center does all kinds of research in addition to housing a great facility for athletes as well as individuals who want a good workout or assistance in their health goals.
The day started with a brief lesson on nutrition and health.  The instructor was pretty impressed when Camden answered her question on ways you can exercise with, "Walk on a treadmill."  She said no kid has ever said it before. 

The rest of the 2 hour visit was spent in 6 stations doing various activities.  These kids worked hard!  Probably the favorite was the Treadwall.  The older kids got to use the revolving climbing wall, but Camden's class only got to climb to the top, then the adults manually brought the wall back down while they rode it.  The kids laughed hard each time their classmates rode down.  It was pretty funny!

Next they did an exercise race.  They did several rounds and did a different exercise on the various equipment.

Next they did an obstacle course. 

Push-ups were hard for each of them the first time, but they all pretty much managed to figure it out by their third or fourth turn.  Not perfect form, but she did press those arms up and down while keeping her body in a semi-plank.

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