Tuesday, March 31, 2020

McDonald's Delivery

After my morning staff Zoom meeting, Camden and I headed to McDonald's for breakfast.  We decided we would also get something for GaGa and Grandpa too.

After wiping all the packaging down with a Clorox wipe, we put their bag on the front steps and waited for GaGa to come to the door.

From GaGa's perspective.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Parachute Science

Camden is working on speed, acceleration, and velocity in science.  Her teacher assigned them to make a parachute out of a grocery bag, then do 3 drops of the parachute and record the time and distance.  She then has to complete the three calculations, as well as some additional questions.

We did it this week over spring break since Kevin was home to assist.  He climbed into the loft in the barn, while I controlled the stopwatch and Camden recorded the measurements.  Monday (after break is over) we will work on the calculations.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Most evenings include a game or two.

Nutter Butters were our treat when Kevin got some groceries for Papaw. Perfect with Yahtzee!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Summer Plans

Even if we can't leave the house, our grass will still need cut.  Kevin purchased a new, larger mower last week.  It was just delivered.  I took it for a short test drive when I got home.  For a mower, it is a sweet ride.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus 2020: Week 1 Summary

We are ready for Spring Break!  The first week of e-learning went well for the most part.  Camden worked hard, but we had struggles with some assignments.  Part of that was internet issues and part was learning new stuff.  Her teachers are amazing and presenting things well, it just is hard.  Preteens learning from Mom is not ideal (unless they are used to homeschooling).  

We have managed walks, getting out a birdhouse project that has been in the closet for a while, and even a puzzle with dad.  We are not stressing about extra TV or phone time because it just will be what it is for now.  

Can't wait for nicer weather and maybe days sitting on the back porch to do assignments. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

School Lunches

Our school system is amazing.  Lots of corporations are doing pick-up so kids can have food that they would normally get at school.  Most are doing this free.  Southmont moved to using transportation to DELIVER a week's worth of food to any home with k-12 kids who attend school in the district.

This morning two teachers (Mr. & Mrs. Gonczarow - Camden's 1st grade teacher) pulled up in their personal vehicle.  I expected a school bus, but they must have needed extra options.  We got 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches.

Sophia and her sister Emma live outside the district with their grandma.  I offered to have their food dropped here so they could pick it up.  So we got 15 of each meal!

Breakfast seemed to be either a poptart, juice (apple or orange), cheese, and milk.  Or a bowl of cereal (various varieties), yogurt, juice, and milk.

Lunches were either a bun with a slice a cheese (packed separately), bag of goldfish, apple, and milk or a bun with a slice of cheese and a slice of meat, apple, and milk.

Many of my friends expressed concerns to one another about taking away from kids who actually NEED the food.  But the school reassured us that the WANT us all to take advantage of this.  I think some of it is because they have the food and some of it is so that all of us can make our other food stretch further (hence delaying having to go to the store, etc).

5 days of breakfast!

4 days of lunches (we must have miscounted when getting them out of the car).  Camden probably won't eat the cheese or even meat, but I'm sure we will put most of it to work (or use in an omelet or something).

A friend posted that Southmont is delivering meals to 620 students this morning!  That is 6200 meals!  What an unbelievable response.  Teachers should rule the world (they already have the biggest impact).

Thursday, March 19, 2020

E-Learning Break

Camden and I tried to out around lunch time today for a short walk before the rain started.

We only got about 1/4 mile when the thunder rolled and the rain started.  We headed back in a nice refreshing shower.

It must have given her a taste for movement because after dinner she requested another walk.  She, Kevin, and Ginger are enjoying a half hour stroll as I type.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Hat Day

It was hat day at school.  One of the school groups is using it as a fundraiser for one of their projects.  She paid her $1 and headed out for the last day of school for 2 weeks (Coronavirus shut-down and spring break).

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Has good food!  We went to Lafayette on Saturday to celebrate the 38th anniversary of GaGa and Grandpa.  However, our car wouldn't start in the mall parking lot by Texas Roadhouse.  Everyone was meeting across town, but we weren't heading anywhere anytime soon.  Sometimes if the car sits for a bit, it will start. We decided to get some food and headed inside Texas Roadhouse.  It was packed!  Since we could only walk, Camden liked the idea of Hooters (apparently she has "always wanted to go there").

Camden did love the food and will probably request to go here again (insert eye roll).

Friday, March 6, 2020

Princess Monkey Bread

No it doesn't have sparkles and glitter.  Camden really likes cookbooks.  At the Waveland Christmas party, she selected a Disney princess cookbook from the gifts, but we had never made anything.  She has been asking me for days to make the monkey bread recipe.  Last night we were finally home in the evening and I allowed her to make it.

She wanted to do most steps herself as I oversaw the process.  The dough was basically an easy biscuit dough that whipped up in minutes.  Together we pulled golf-size balls out of the dough, rolled them in butter then in cinnamon-sugar.  Into a bundt pan and viola!

It's not as ooey-gooey as Christmas monkey bread, but it was delicious!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020