Thursday, June 30, 2016

Tennis Camp

Camden has spent the mornings this week at Southmont Tennis Camp.  She reports that she enjoyed it.

Heading in at the start of practice...

Demonstrating a few strokes before things begin...



Saying goodbye...and being goofy!

 They were playing "Jail" when I got back to pick her up.  She was locked up...

It was a four day camp, so it is over.  It was a very good introduction to the sport and I hope she will want to continue it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Look Who Came to Town

For a quick 45 minute visit we got to see Joseph, Amanda, Olivia and Luke as they came through Crawfordsville to stay for a week in Lafayette.  Dinner at Culver's was a perfect meeting spot.

Caught some eyes closed, but such a beautiful family.  Thankfully we got to see Amanda and the kids for another quick visit on Saturday at our garage sale.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Friends Who Play Ball

Last week, Camden and I decided to check out the baseball game at our ball park.  I knew my friend, Linsey, was coaching the team made up of mostly Waveland 8U kids.  Our neighbors, Jenna and Jasper, Linsey's son Eli, and Paxton were all on the team.  I mainly watched and chatted with friends, while Camden played with other kids on the other diamond and ate snacks from the concession.  But we both enjoyed it.  She loved talking to Jenna after the game.

Monday, June 20, 2016


 The Vanity Theater's most recent production was Shrek.  It was mostly the teens with a few adults and kids scattered throughout.  Like all else I have seen there, it was a very well done community production.

 Shrek and Fiona were fantastic!

Camden's favorite character was the dragon.  The staging for this production, and particularly for this character, was beyond description.  Lighting, smoke, strobe light, spinning ladder platform, etc.  It was pretty cool.

Her classmate, Emery, had a wee bit as young Fiona.  It was her first solo in a Vanity production.  She is one of the future stars of this little theater.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday Carnival

This past weekend was filled with all kinds of activities.  Before the touch-a-truck and the strawberry festival was a small carnival on Friday night.  It was at Paxton's church (also where Camden went to preschool).  Everything was free and it was a nice community outreach event.  We grabbed some food before heading out for a round of games.


Camden made 3 of 4 basketball shots.  Paxton's dad was running the event and said only one kid had made 4 of 4.  Just then Camden missed her 4th shot.  He (and we) were still pretty impressed!

Then she had three shots at the dunk tank.

And on the third one...success!

A cute kitty was her final activity.  We were only there for 45 minutes or an hour, but she had a great time.

Although, with all these activities, I wonder if this is how she picked up the strep bug...or maybe, unbeknownst to us, we spread it around! 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Strawberry Festival 2016

We had $12 in tickets from my work and headed to the festival on Sunday afternoon to use them!  It was still blisteringly hot, but the kids area is in some shade.  Camden was starting to fade pretty quickly and I felt she might be getting sick.  She had twisted her ankle the night before on a bounce house and was really whining about it.  She mentioned her throat, but was more focused on her ankle.  She also was just pretty mellow.  But she played games.


And got a fish (who seems to be sturdy and is still alive)!

But when she didn't want to ride the ponies nor do the bounce house, I knew sickness was taking over.  We got some ice cream.  Pink Walrus for Camden (who barely ate it) and strawberries & ice cream for Kevin and I.  By this point, Camden is asking to "please just go home".  The signs were glaringly obvious and we headed home.  It was a short festival for us, but we didn't mind getting out of the heat.  And getting our poor baby girl home to rest.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Touch A Truck

Lake Waveland had a big event on Saturday night.  It was a touch a truck and hot air balloon rides.  Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and between the heat and the wind, the balloons were cancelled.  The new non-profit I helped start, called Waveland Strong, had signed on to do concessions so we still went to the event. 

Camden and her dad hung out at the booth (we were near some of the best shade around) but also got to enjoy the trucks.

Boy it was swelting!  So, despite having no swimsuit, we let her swim in the lake. 

Sparky the fire dog also made a visit.  He stopped by the concession stand (since he is the president of Waveland Strong) to say hi.

The coolest part of the night was when the life flight helicopter made a landing (and take-off).

And, despite the smaller crowd because of the heat and no balloons, we still were able to raise around $200 for our little organization! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Strep Throat

Another milestone reached...first case of strep throat.  The symptoms all pointed that way, but you just never know!  Her doctor got her in quickly on Monday morning and confirmed it.  It also allowed us to start right in on antibiotics so she would get through the 24-48 hour contagious window more quickly.

On the way to the store, Kevin reported that she was already feeling a little better.  16 hours of sleep will always help.  Some of it's the angle of the photo and her fake smile, but her poor little face and throat are swollen.  And those eyes...

Kevin said she wore the hat all through the stop at Walmart to pick up "sick" supplies.

The good news was that she is doing EXCEPTIONAL with her medicine.  No fight at all.  Thankfully it is a liquid which seems to be one key in getting her to take it.  Kevin told her to think of it as a slightly melted strawberry milkshake.

She said she would think of it as strawberry cheesecake.  Whatever works!

Monday, June 13, 2016

No Go

This is how I left her this morning.  This week of church camp is not happening.  We are going to try and reschedule.

She has been asleep since Sunday afternoon at about 4pm (so 16 hours and counting).  Throat is sore and red, fever, vomiting, etc.  Heading to the doctor today.  May just be flu, but the stinker is simply miserable.

UPDATE:  Kevin just took her to the doctor.  It is strep.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Ice Cream Fix

We were out and about last night and Camden asked for some ice cream.  We were near a little town called, "Bainbridge" and stopped at a little stand.

 I meant to get a picture of Camden in front of the stand (and not some lanky teenager), but she had to use the restroom (desperately of course) and the only one was a block down the road at a Casey's.  She and Kevin walked there while I waited for the ice cream.  It was done before they were so I snapped the picture and went to pick them up.

We had a yummy pineapple shake, an okay turtle sundae, and a small strawberry ice cream cone.  It was a nice treat, but we will go to our favorites (Big Berry, Up the Creek, Darilicious, and Culver's) when we want a something in the future.  Guess from the list we don't hurt for excuses to get ice cream!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Busy, Busy

We have been doing lots, but not a lot to document.

Camden has been spending time during the week in various places.  Monday and Tuesday Kevin is home.  They do errands, she plays and swims at the neighbors, or they just relax at home.  The rest of the week she is often with GaGa and Grandpa these first few weeks of the summer.  Gramma Pat did come last week and Camden was thrilled to have so much time with her.  Next week she is off to Twin Lakes for 5 nights of overnight church camp.  

We are busy packing (and procrastinating).  Ten more days until we move to an apartment; 15 more until we close; and 20 until we have to be out of the house.  Wow!

In the meantime, the only photos I have taken were of our homemade BBQ chicken pizza we made last night.  We wanted to do something different with the leftovers.  A light smear of BBQ sauce, some ricotta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, and green onions (sprinkled on when it came out of the oven) completed the masterpiece. 

Camden elected to have a simply cheese with mini-pepperoni.  The other half was without chicken and on pizza sauce.  Very yummy leftover dinner!