Monday, June 29, 2015

Hendricks Co. Rib Fest 2015

The three of us wanted to do something fun on Saturday night and Kevin heard about the Rib Fest in Avon.  We weren't sure if it was a big deal or a small town deal like our Strawberry Festival.  Turned out to be somewhere in the middle, maybe closer to the small side.

The Colts in Motion and the Pacer Fan Van were there.  The weather was overcast and a bit windy (perfect in my mind for a summer evening) so the Colts bounce house was not up. 

Camden's hands were about 1/2 the size of Andrew Luck's.  Kevin's were about the same size!

We stopped at the Avon firetruck to learn about being a firefighter and to practice driving the big ladder truck.

Then we spotted the game area and Camden was thrilled!  She continues on her winning streak and received a free game of Monster Golf, a yummy (and huge) strawberry shortcake from the Kiwana booth, a Chick-fil-a stuffed cow and free sandwich, along with several tickets for small prizes. 

Her favorite activity was the obstacle course.

Lots of long lines at the various rib booths, but we got some great ribs and rib tips from a few different vendors.  Don't think we'll not go out of our way to make this event next year, but it was a fun night out together and if we happen to be looking for something to do when it rolls around next year, we may go!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Camden gave Tinker lots of lovin' last week.  She still isn't home, and I don't think we will see her again.  But she was definitely loved on while her home was with us.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Strawberry Festival 2015

We enjoyed our annual visit to the Strawberry Festival.  Rain was in the forecast so we went in the early afternoon.  It was still so stinking hot!

We go mainly for the kid's game area.  They added several new selections and Camden had a great time.  The old favorites were there as well.



Of course, she has to ride a pony!

She was on a winning streak...and got the top prize possible on everything she played.

Her hair is swinging because she is jumping up and down with a ringer on the orange Faygo in the middle.  She was trying for lemonade and got to swap!

Fishing practice has paid off too.  She got the only "3" fish which the workers were excited to see.  They said kids have been trying hard and spending 10+ tickets trying to find it.  She got to select a "large" prize and got a new pink monkey.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Search for Tinker!

Tinker has gotten loose the past few days and enjoyed running the neighborhood before we could catch her.  Needless to say, we have not been happy having to chase her around.  Yesterday, she got out and took off from Kevin.  He was the only one home and had to get to town to pick up Camden.  He couldn't find her on his brief drive out of town and hoped she would be home when he returned.  Nope!  After dinner we drove each street and searched to no avail.  She didn't return this morning.  Camden is handling it pretty well, but gets a bit whiny when she thinks about it. We hope she is safe and will return on her own, but we aren't holding our breath at this point.

After driving through town we took a small drive in the country and ended up at the creek/covered bridge near our town.  Camden and Kevin enjoyed wading and throwing rocks. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Waveland Library

Another of our favorite hometown places.  It's a nice cool break from outside and we usually run into friends here too.

Camden always gets a huge stack of books (and we sometimes forget to get them back in time - but the fee is always forgiven).

She also always wants a few minutes on the computers in the kids section.  The library board (Papaw serves on this!) does a great job of keeping this little building a true community treasure.

Friday, June 12, 2015


I haven't taken any sleeping pictures in awhile and saw her looking so peaceful the other morning. 

Of course Tinker is nearby keeping watch.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Camden has a phobia about getting stung.  She hates when bees or wasps are in sight.  Last summer she saw a little girl get stung by a bee while we were at Up the Creek (that plays has lots of them buzzing around).  The girl freaked out quite a bit and so Camden imagines that the pain must be unbearable.

And it happened!  Yesterday at summer camp, she got stung on the foot by a wasp.  She stepped on it while putting back on her flip-flops.  Thankfully, one of the office staff is a nurse and was able to get the stinger out relatively easily along with any "sack" that was in her toe.  She cried and probably put up quite a battle for them to deal with it.  She was monitored to make sure she didn't have any reaction and got to eat a popsicle. 

The top of her toe already had a popped blister on it so it looks quite pathetic.  It was still pretty red and swollen in the evening. 

And, no, she doesn't have any weird foot disease either.  The activity that day was tie-dye and, apparently, the kids did the job themselves!

So we have colorful feet and a creative design!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Waveland Park

One positive development from the school closing was that the town requested from the Southmont School Board for permission to have the playground equipment.  A $40,000 grant had been awarded only 2 years ago that bought and installed beautiful structures.  The board graciously donated it to the town, but the town had to pay for moving and installation.


Since it was under warranty, the original company moved it and reinstalled it with minimal expense.

It has been such a great thing!  The town park is only about 5 blocks away from us and less than a block from Papaw's.  It has become a center of fun for our town's kids once again.

We run into friends all the time!

Even on a nice cool evening with storms rolling in, Camden plays so hard and gets red-faced.  I think it's a beautiful sight - especially because a big smile is usually included.  She loves to move!

So proud of the folks (and my friends!) who work hard to keep our little community positive.