Friday, April 4, 2014

Best Sign

Waiting for our field trip, Camden wrote me this sign.  She is such a sweet child! 

Her teacher told me, once again, how well she is doing in reading.  I confirmed because I couldn't believe the books she was being sent home as homework.  Mrs. Barr said she keeps trying to stump Camden by giving her a book with words that she won't be able to figure out, but she sounds them out and does it!  She's progressed 2 more letters on the reading scale (A to Z; they are to be at a D by end of this year and Camden is at G) in the past month.  Mrs. Barr says she actually is holding her back a bit so she doesn't get too far ahead of her classmates and become totally bored.  So proud of her!

**I'm really not trying to be one of those mothers who brags on her brilliant child (although that is okay and expected when you have a brilliant child!).  I am just trying to use this blog as a good record of our everyday life and Camden's milestones/achievements. 

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