Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gingerbread House 2013

The youngest girls really wanted to do this again.  So we attempted it...

Until a small earthquake hit...

Then we moved on to just eating the walls and the candy.

Camden carried that piece around the rest of the evening taking bites off every now and then.  She really didn't make a big dent in it, but it was hilarious to see her with that big wall of gingerbread.

Christmas Eve Gathering

The three of us went to early Christmas Eve service at our church then headed to GaGa and Grandpa's for our annual gathering.
After our wonderful meal, we move to these three girl's favorite moment...

Camden scored a fun marshmallow double shooter gun. Everyone had fun with this one!

All the grandkids and great grandkids with Aunt Tammy.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Tree

Camden took care of decorating the tree this year.  Aunt Carole helped me put the lights around it (then 2 of the 3 strings went out that night!), but Camden did all the rest herself.  

She had to put everything on the top half because our crazy cat, Max, attacks it if not.  So there are only lights shining on the bottom and only ornaments on the top.  It's a beautiful tree, but wimpy in the decoration department.  However, we still love it because Camden got such joy from doing it herself.

Oh...Go Colts!


On Saturday night, GaGa and Grandpa had us over for our annual December Birthdays dinner.  Unfortunately, 2 of the 4 birthday people couldn't make it this year.  But Aunt Carole and Uncle Ric came instead and we loved it.  As always, it was a great meal (prime rib, baked potatoes, salad bar)!
After most people had left, Camden took pictures of us being silly.  The only one worth showing is this great one of Grandpa!

He's not gonna be happy that I posted it, but it really is the only picture I have from the fun evening so I didn't really have a choice!

Thursday, December 19, 2013


We had a wonderful snow fall this past weekend and Camden, her dad, and our neighbor Cameron had a fun morning of play.

I would love this picture more if I had noticed the chocolate ring around her mouth and washed it before we went outside and played.  Not even sure what she would have eaten that morning to cause it!

Kevin had been hunting, but when he got home, Camden convinced him to get the four-wheeler out (no, it didn't take much).

The girls squealed with glee as they zoomed around the yard.  They frequently got flipped over and had to chase Kevin down to get back on...Camden loved it!

Next, Camden and her dad got to work on a snowman. 

We had some carrots in the fridge for the nose, but didn't have anything for the mouth.  Kevin suggested I look in our bowl of leftover Halloween candy and I found two small twizzlers.  It would have been perfect...except Camden took one and stuck it in her mouth. 

She cracks us up!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Polar Express

The Waveland PTO sponsored a Polar Express night.  In preparation, each classroom decorated their door. Two other parents and I took care of the Kindergarten door/bulletin board. 

The bulletin has golden tickets with each kids name on it, as well as a jingle bell hanging from beside it.  The small writing at the bottom says, "We believe".

The day of the event, they had the Polar Express come to school.  A local group had made their float at the Christmas parade this theme, so the PTO "borrowed" it for our event.

It was still there the night of the movie.  Camden isn't acting goofy; she couldn't stand still for a picture and was dancing with excitement.

We walked the red carpet down the hall to get our ticket.  Then we had to go to the gym entrance and give it to the conductor to let us in.

We brought a blanket and pillow and used it to claim our spot while we waited for the start.  Camden (and lots of other kids) enjoyed running around, getting their energy out (she is chasing her buddy Caylum to the top-right of the photo).

They got to wear their pajamas to school that day, as well as to the movie that night.  In addition, we were able to decorate cookies, sip on hot chocoloate, and get some popcorn to enjoy during the show.

When we went back to the gym, her friend Marley had arrived and she moved spots to sit with her.

They cuddled up together when the movie began.

Some of Camden's 6th grade friends she knows from the neighborhood were also next to us and the two little girls wanted to cuddle up with them too.

Camden did okay, but it did get long and was late...she didn't quite make it to the end before she was ready to go.  We almost missed Santa, but saw him arrive (by pick-up truck) and got to wave at him in the parking lot.  Boy we giggled seeing him drive something besides his sleigh (but he didn't need his toys yet, so it made sense!).


Waveland Elementary Christmas Program

I didn't get any great pictures of Camden and the other kids at the Christmas program.  Bad seating, bad lighting, music teachers, short kids...but it was a nice production.  As always, Camden sang her heart out.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tree Hunt

After school and before the Christmas program, Camden and Kevin headed to the tree farm near Greencastle and picked out our tree.

Since their time was limited, Kevin tried to point Camden quickly to a tree.  She proclaimed that she was picking it!  The good news was she found the one she wanted (and it was a good one) in short order.

Kevin got busy and cut it down...while Camden took the picture.

It was up in the stand in the living room by the time I got home from work.  They are a good team!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Program Dress

I should probably post other things first, but I simply loved her little dress/shirt with pants that she picked for her school program last night.  I totally spaced shopping for it over the weekend and so we had to go to town on Wednesday evening in order to have it for Thursday night.  We only have two options in town - Waveland and Goody's.  I knew I would pay a little more at Goody's (still reasonable, but I'm a 30% Kohl's off shopper), but I wanted to go there first.  Glad we did!

Lots of the same picture by her classroom Christmas tree, but all different expressions and lights.  I simply couldn't select one!

I also loved that it is not a "Christmas" dress.  This will be nice at many events this winter (and maybe even next fall if she doesn't grow too much).