Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Poor Spongebob

I didn't think I'd ever throw a "commercial" birthday party, but this year she got 2 of them - TMNT & Spongebob.  She thinks both of them are hilarious and it made decorating easy!
She asked to have a pinata.  There was a perfect hanging spot on the end of the swing set, so Kevin rigged him up there.
Camden went first and gave him a few good whacks. 


Hali got all lined up, but always managed to turn in the wrong direction on her swing.

Paxton also gave it a few good hits, but Spongebob was holding strong.  We let Preslee try without the blindfold. 

Next round we let them each have 5 hits without the blindfold.  Only Hali managed to get a few pieces out.

But Paxton tried his hardest.  I love the looks of everyone in the background!

Finally Amanda gave it a whirl and split the bottom.  Candy went everywhere and the kids started scrambling...and giggling. 

Kevin gave it a final twirl while the kids were gathering and emptied the contents.  When Grandpa heard there were Reese's Cups he joined in.

While picking up candy, Spongebob's leg was found.  Camden held it up, "Poor Spongebob!"

Definite highlight of the party. 

Another Birthday Party

Sunday evening we had Camden's final birthday celebration with Kevin's side of the family.  This girl has been partying for over a week!
We had fun with the little kiddos.  Preslee loved playing on the swingset.


Hoyt hung out with his Daddy most of the evening.

Haliana kept up with her older cousin and Paxton.

It was a cool evening, but the kids still braved the pool and squirt guns.


We kept the evening low-key...even the meal was simple with burgers & dogs on the grill, pasta salad, chips, and veggies. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

LOVE Week Pictures

Kevin and Camden helped with a project at one of the local schools.  They helped wash all of the outside windows of North Montgomery High School!

That same evening, we ran the Plinko game at a block party in one of Crawfordsville's neighborhoods.  Camden helped a bit, but she also got her face painted (picture 1/2 way done), played games, and muscled her hardest on a "tug of war" type game.

5th Birthday, Part III

That night, our church had the culmination of "Love Week" with a huge community carnival at our main city park.  We told our pastor that it was nice of them to throw such a big party for Camden's birthday!

We ran into one of her other good buddies from church, Owen, and his little brother Levi.  Owen is almost a year younger than Camden, but they were in the same class at her old daycare (Guiding Light) so they know each other quite well.


Monday, July 29, 2013

5th Birthday, Part II

For dinner, Camden requested to go to the "sun place" (Little Mexico) in town.  She loves their rice, but more importantly, she knows that on your birthday you get to wear a hat and get a fried ice cream dessert!  

She loves trying to get the cherry with just her mouth, too!

5th Birthday, Part I

We had a full day of birthday fun on her actual day.  She went to GaGa and Grandpa's for a morning with them and a small cake with lunch.  Then she and I headed to Turkey Run for an afternoon of swimming!


She, of course, wanted to go off the diving board.  During the second attempt with the lifeguard, he had her swim back to the edge while he swam next to her.  He got out of the pool and started to walk away.  Wait!!!! this paranoid mom yelled.  It's 10 feet deep!  But he said that she could swim.  After he stood nearby for her third attempt and watching her swim back to the edge on her own, he left and she continued to jump another 20+ times on her own.

We went back and forth between the pool and the diving board.  She probably went off 60 times!  I was so proud of her.  Five years old and such a big, adventurous girl.  Wow!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Our Favorite Day of the Year

Happy birthday to the kindest, sweetest, and smartest 5 year old we know!  She's also funny, loving, and so silly.  We are so unbelievably thankful to be your parents. 
Love you, baby girl - Momma & Daddy.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Love Week 2013

Our church's 2nd annual "Love Week" kicked off last night with prayer at various locations around Crawfordsville.  Our group met at the middle school.


Then all the small groups met up at the Lane Place, along with two other churches who are participating, for the official kick-off.  Camden enjoyed being with her friend Bethie (who squealed when she saw Camden, "I haven't seen you in like 100 years!). 

Various service projects are scheduled all week to simply love on our neighbors.  There are work projects at the high schools, visits to nursing homes, carnivals in neighborhoods, Habitat for Humanity house building assistance, clean up in various small towns (including Waveland), a blood drive, etc.  It will be a busy week!