Friday, January 30, 2015

80's Day

 It is 80's Day today at school.  Leggings are in order!  We usually put a fru-fru skirt over them, but when I gave Camden the choice, she selected the sparkly pants that Gramma Pat gave her for Christmas over our normal wardrobe choices.  The best shirt option was short-sleeved but it was cut like many shirts I remember wearing!

Of course the hair has to be up in a side-pony.

And a little dab of bright blue and green eye shadow, a little blush on the cheeks and some pink lipstick and she was all set.  Despite the insistence that she could do it, I put the make-up on today so it was, indeed, a little dab.

IPhone pictures are a little dark, but she still looks so adorably 80's!

Monday, January 26, 2015


Southmont has started a new Pixie Fast Pitch Little League team.  It is for girls who are 6-8 years old.  They had a parent meeting and clinic for all leagues (Pixie, 10U and 12U) on Sunday at the field house.  The league doesn't start until April, but this was a chance to check it out and get some practice in.  For us, it was a chance to see if Camden liked the sport and wanted to play.  I was a little nervous that it was fast pitch, but it's the only option available anymore.  The parent meeting only last about 45 minutes so we were able to go watch the last hour with the kids.

It was so well run.  I arrived just before Camden had her turn in the batting cage.  The Pixie League will use a pitching machine and the ball will be pitched between 25-30 mph.  She didn't bat an eye!  The woman running the machine had to help her get the stance right the at the beginning, but Camden caught on quickly!

She whiffed the first two balls (but her swing was solid) and hit the third.  She got a piece of the fourth and whiffed the last ball.

Once I got there she lost her interest.  She is so silly like that!  I think this is a sport she might like (I played for 5 years and LOVED it), but she is too wishy-washy about organized sports right now and I don't want another season of that.  We will wait and try again in the future.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Having been cooped up for too long with vacation, sickness and snow days...and her teacher ending an email about her antsy behavior, we decided to have an active Saturday.

Camden, Logan (a friend from school) and I headed to Buccaneer Bay indoor waterpark in Lafayette.  I searched high and low for some passes we had, but couldn't find them.  Turns out that was for the better since the park was closing at 3 and we got 1/2 price admission.

The two of them played hard for a little more than 3 hours.  They could have kept going for many more if some rich person/company didn't rent out the entire hotel/waterpark for night (and $40,000!).

The best part of the day for Camden was discovering she finally made the 48" mark and could go down the big water slide. 

She climbed the stairs, got measured and promptly came back down...she was a little scared.  But after Logan did go down, and wanted to go again, she decided to try too.  From that point on, there was no stopping her.  Again and again and again. 

We even headed to McDonald's afterward for another hour or so of play.  I hope that got some of the energy out!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

In About 15 years...

We planted our Christmas tree at the corner of our front yard.  As I was snapping a picture I saw our neighbors pine in the background and thought it might give our little guy some inspiration to make the adjustment back to the ground in the freezing temperatures.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Snow Days

While we don't like using our third (and last built-in) snow day of the year, it was great that it was Kevin's day off.  He and Camden are playing on the snow/ice and having the best time!  Her screams of glee can probably be heard across town.

Her Cat

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy Hour

These two...having a super engaging conversation...over Steak and Shake.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


At an after-Christmas sale, Camden found a deal on a make-up kit.  I was surprised when Kevin okayed the purchase.  It was a fairly big set that folded down into a nice cute heart.

I pulled her hair back and let her go to work.

The dining room did not provide enough light, so we headed to her bathroom to continue the process.

"I know EVERYTHING about make-up," she declared as she covered her checks in so much pink stuff.

The finishing touch was lipstick.

It was all I could do not to laugh.  She was so serious about it and so proud of the finished product.  WOW!

Classic 6 year old playing with make-up.  Still such a beauty!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Frozen Castle

While shopping, we started to buy a gingerbread house for our annual event.  But Camden spied a castle from the movie, Frozen.  Better yet, it was sugar cookie.  We paid the extra few bucks!

We started the process when we got home on Christmas Eve.  Thankfully Gramma Pat was there to assist.  We found out quickly that some dry time was required before assembly so it became a two-day process.  We got everything frosted that evening.

Late on Christmas morning, before Gramma left, we got the sprinkles and other decorations put on.

We then assembled the castle.  It actually was quite small and therefore easy to keep together.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Christmas Morn

Christmas morning started as normal...running through the house checking for signs that Santa had been there.  Once Austin and Papaw arrived, we had our big Christmas breakfast.  Camden was pushing everyone to hurry up so we could get to presents!

I love her expressions as she opens everything. 

Her "big" gift was a Zoomer Dino.  It is a really cool remote control item.  She also got a RC monster truck.  They drive the dog crazy!

Austin got an Xbox 360.  It was so ironic since we fought him for so many years about his games, but he needed something to fill his time while at school and we hoped this would keep his motivation up during the last months of the training.

Camden wanted to get her pets a present this year.  We got Tinker the biggest bone at Target. 

She has been obsessed with it since Christmas and has finished all but the outer ends.