Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Makin' Whoopie...Pies

Camden got sick shortly after we got home. When we dropped her off in the church nursery that first Sunday she was pretty clingy, but we chalked it up to not being away from us for 2 weeks. But that afternoon she had a fever. She was pretty lethargic and cried a lot. She was also holding her mouth, so I thought she was teething. Unfortunately it meant she couldn't go to daycare, so we were heading into 3 weeks out of routine. Luckily Kevin was home on Monday and Tuesday, so I could go back to work. On Tuesday morning she went to GaGa's for a few hours and Grandma noticed she had white spots on her throat. Off to the doctor...just a virus that had to run it's course...but no daycare for the rest of the week.

By this past weekend she was much better and we did some baking. Our treat: oatmeal whoopie pies!

They really did taste like the Little Debbie snack cakes! Camden had fun putting the sandwich together for me.

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