Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 3: Girl Time

Our first day was pretty low-key. At least for Camden and I. We had planned a day of shopping and lunching with another girl friend who was also in the Denver area. So Lora, Camden and I headed out for breakfast and shopping in Castle Rock.

The three of us spent most of the moring at a place called, "The Barn" which was an ecclectic set of shops set up in an old horse barn. Each stall (both upstairs and down) was a different vender and their wares. It was beautiful and had all kinds of items from antique furniture to magnets made from old license plates to old china pieces to oil paintings. We enjoyed exploring and finding a few treasures.

We stopped at a horsey to ride before meeting our friend, Jamie, for lunch. Camden rode at least 3 times and talked about it the rest of the day!

We met Jamie at a restaurant called, "The Old Stone Church." As the name implies it was a church that they converted into a restaurant. We sat outdoors on the patio so Camden could watch the planes and the people on the street. It was a great visit with Jamie, who is one of the coolest and nicest people in the world. She is so easy to be of those "breath of fresh air" people who are interesting and enjoyable.

The adults had yummy food like seafood enchiladas and crab cakes on pasta, while Camden had the rare treat of getting ice cream as her lunch. Hey, it was vacation!

We then headed over to the Castle Rock outlets for more shopping and visiting. Since we were going to be outside and the altitude makes the sun even brighter/more intense, we slathered on the sunscreen and wore a hat for the stroll around the shops.

We stopped at the Colorado store for a few souvenirs, where Camden fell in love with a big moose.

We also took a break for some chocolate from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company.'s vacation!

Such a fun morning and afternoon with fun girlfriends!

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

oh my, i am so jealous right now. what a fun day!! and, doesn't ice cream count as dairy? ;)