Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shades State Park...and a Fever

Camden was miserable Tuesday night and wouldn't let go of me...even to sleep. So I stayed with her on the couch not really putting together what was going on. Until early in the morning on Tuesday I realized she had been so hot. Kevin had to work days this week, so when he got up at 5am, I told him I thought she had a fever and that I would stay home with her today. Well "today" turned into 2 days because when I took her temperature it was 103! I got her into the doctor on Tuesday afternoon and it was an ear infection. She's on 10 days of antibiotics and her fever has continued to be present. We added Motrin to the Tylenol regimen and it's finally subsided a little. She has done nothing but lay on my lap for three days. Her eyes and whole demeaner has been so pathetic. I think we're finally getting over the hump. Poor thing has simply been miserable.

Before this all started, we went to Shades State Park to play outside on the playground and drive around the beautiful area. We have 3 state parks within 20 minutes of us, so we bought a season pass this year. Camden loves to be outside so we knew it would be a great opportunity to get her out in nature a little more often.

One of the parks has a great Inn and you have to pay an entrance fee even if you're just going to have dinner at the Inn. Having a pass makes it a "no-brainer" to take advantage of these great parks.

We even saw a deer!

1 comment:

A Malaysian Shadowhunter said...

hope she will get well soon..:)
she's a cute girl....:)