Thursday, April 29, 2010


Camden struggled through a bout of Croup late last week and over the weekend. She alternated between sounding like Darth Vadar when she talked and coughing like a barking seal. Usually you just have to let it run it's course and treat with 20 minutes in a steamy bathroom (which we did). However we went to the doctor early enough and she exhibited the "strider" breathing even when at rest/in sleep, so they went ahead and gave her steroids. It definitely made the croup much less severe and we got some sleep!

At the last minute on Saturday afternoon, we decided to go to Indianapolis to do some shopping, have dinner, and spend the night at a hotel. Again, that means Camden and I got to enjoy the hotel, because Kevin had to work. However, after he got a "nap" on Sunday morning, we finished up our shopping and ended our excursion with lunch at Chuck E. Cheeses. I was hoping they would have a small ball pit or at least some little kids play area, since it was raining and Camden really wanted to run around.

It turned out that they had neither, but Camden was still thrilled. She loved walking/running around and watching everyone. We even bought a handful of tokens when she braved up to riding the little cars. I don't want to go very often, but it was an enjoyable experience.

I love how her eyes are squinty because she was just starting to do her full-cheese smile!

1 comment:

carole said...

Camden: Is this guy really less scary than the horse at Meijer? Maybe you can try to horse again with Auntie Carole.