Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Conner Prairie - Prairetown

We visited the final 3 sections - 1836 Prairetown, Conner Homestead, and Lenape Indian Camp.  Prairetown was a large area and we only visited about half of it.  There were lots of buildings to go in - homes, school, mercantile, blacksmith shop, bakery, etc.  In the bakery, the actor was roasting pumpkin seeds over an open fire.  She had finished using the pumpkin to make a pie earlier in the day.  The aromas were wonderful!


Camden tried several pioneer-era games.

She also took over the map and showed us where to go next.

One of the hands-on activities was candle dipping.  They had several starts ready to go and Camden joined the line.  We didn't stay long enough to make a substantial candle, so I didn't pay the $5 to take it home.  But I'm glad she tried it!

The barn on the Homestead was filled with sheep and cows.  Several newborns were around.  This lamb was 5 weeks old.

It wasn't until we got to the Lenape Indian Camp that I actually had a very vivid memory of my elementary school trip in 4th grade.  I definitely remember sitting in the wigwam with the rest of my class and have a very quick image of it that comes to my memory. 

We stayed almost 3 hours at Conner Prairie and had a fabulous girls day together.

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