Monday, July 18, 2011

Vacation Bible School

The little church on the corner of our street had VBS last week.  It was 2 hours each evening and I decided it would be fun for Camden and I to attend. 

She LOVED it.  Every day she talked about going back to sing, run, and see the puppets.  It was a little hard for me to endure since I'm used to the high caliber, high energy, well structured children's program I was a part of in New Jersey.  This was very poorly ran, but Camden didn't know the difference and she was a favorite among the church folk who put on the program.  She has so much life and excitement in her and she doesn't hold it back.  The first "class" that her group went to everyday was music and she danced and sang her little heart out (even when no one else did!).

Leading the parade for "Father Abraham."  She loves to march.

Her face really showed it during, "If You're Happy and You Know It."

And her little light did shine!

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