Friday, July 29, 2011

Fort Wayne Work Trip

I had to go to northeast Indiana for two days on a work trip and we decided to mix in some family time too.  I planned around Kevin's days off and since transportation costs and lodging costs were covered, it was a great way to be together.

On our way to Fort Wayne on Sunday, we stopped at Huntington College (now Huntington University) where I graduated.  It's a small campus and the grand tour took all of 15 minutes, but I liked showing my family a little of my early life.

One Monday while I was doing site visits, Camden and Kevin had time together at the FW Children's Zoo.  They both report that it lives up to it's promotion as one of the best children's zoos in the country.

Can you tell Kevin did her hair this morning?  It was a valiant effort...

"Cheese"-ing for the camera.  She doesn't like to pose, and usually avoids looking when we ask.  So we often get this fake smile.  Kevin had to pull the "swimming card" a few times to get her to cooperate.

I am thankful that Camden has such a wonderful Daddy who takes care of her so well and makes life more fun!

1 comment:

carole said...

I think she looks perfect! Daddy efforts on the hair are wonderful. Ric's first effort involved a headband:)