Thursday, July 21, 2011

Montgomery County 4-H Fair

We wanted to get at least a brief stop at a 4-H fair this year.  The heat has been miserable and our schedule has been busy, so we decided not to go to the Tippecanoe Fair this year.  Instead, we headed to our county's fair on Sunday evening.  It's much smaller and has no rides, but Camden wanted to see the animals.  In walking through the barns, we found some money ($17) on the ground.  We tried to turn it in, but the officials said there was really no way they could get it back to the rightful owner and told us to keep it!  We bought Camden a snow-cone to celebrate our windfall.  She choose orange and green.  I think it's her favorite summer treat ever.  She slurped on it for 45 minutes or so and downed every last ounce.

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