Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Birthday Party - Part III (The Presents)

We ended the birthday celebration with Camden opening the gifts that her fans brought her. Kevin and I bought her a Radio Flyer ATW wagon which we filled up with the presents. It was quite the stash!

Camden wasn't really interested in tearing the paper which surprised us. She loves paper.

But once she realized there were good things inside, she happily sat on my lap in anticipation.

A flip toy from Amanda and Joseph (which she now plays with every evening as she's winding down for bedtime).

Her first pair of real sneakers (Nike's) from Aunt Carole, Uncle Ric, La La, and Ra Ra.

An adorable "First Birthday" Pooh figurine from Papaw Haile.

Tonka Trucks from Cousin Amanda.

A new doll baby to love from Uncle Brian and Aunt Angie.

A barnyard set that has all kinds of animals and makes great sounds from Gramma Pat and Jim. This one, too, she plays with all the time. If she's not pushing it around the living room, she's opening doors to hear the moo's and neighs or putting the pig in her mouth.

Gramma also got her some new socks...Is it just my imagination or does it seem like Camden has that sarcastic 'oh boy, just what I wanted...socks!' expression on her face? Does it really begin this young?

A teaset of her own from Grandma and Grandpa French.

Plus cards, books, a new ball, a teddy bear and many, many more wonderful things from others.

OOOHHHH, but then it was time to check out the wagon.

Camden loves to sit in it, ride in it, and stand in it (a desire that we are constantly trying to change). But the best thing about her wagon is that she can push it.

The girl's a beast. She's got powerful legs and arms. Look at that face! She loves it!

1 comment:

Alette Grace said...

How fun! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. May your second year be as exciting as your first! Alette/Abria/Michelle