Friday, July 31, 2009


It may be more accurate to say Easiest.Baby.Ever.

Camden has been a very easy baby - since the beginning. She was sleeping through the night since about her 2nd or 3rd week home. She never spits up much. Hasn't been sick. Was a little fussy when teething, but nothing major...and no medicine needed. Her diapers don't leak. It's always been fairly easy to know what she needs too. If she's hungry, it's obvious. If she's tired, she curls up in a lap. If she needs a diaper change, well...there is a dead give away for that one. She's a great eater. Not even that messy, either. We have been truly blessed with a wonderful, easy, content, happy, communicative child.

We have always rocked or held her to sleep. Part of it is because, as a working mom, it's the time of the day I get to be with her. But part of it is because I really, really like doing it. However, we're getting ready to transition her to day care a few days a week and she needs to be able to go down for a nap on her own. Plus it's just time.

I was dreading the screaming and fighting and horror of leaving her in the crib and letting her cry herself to sleep. I'd read lots of articles and knew this was going to be part of it. I bit the bullet on Monday night and put her down in her crib, but sat in a chair next to it. She sat for a while, cried for a while, and laid down every once in a while. All the books had advised letting that happen for five minutes the first night, before soothing and repeating. She wasn't doing too bad, so we sat in her room for about 10 minutes before she started to get a little more teary. I picked her up, took her to the couch, and she was out in 2 minutes. I took her to her room and she slept the rest of the night.

Last evening, I took her to her crib a little earlier than usual when she was showing signs she was done for the night. I took the bear she'd been playing with and her xylophone too, then left the room. She played very contently for about 5 minutes, jabbering on and on and playing with her toy. She'd let out a little whiney cry and then go back to playing or even laying down for a few minutes. She did this for about a half hour until she was worn out and laid down for good. I never went back in once. She slept through the night.

To top it off, she even helps clean up around the house.

I'm just!

1 comment:

carole said...

The beauty of it is that she's not the only one pushing that vacuum! (I would recognize those legs anywhere:) I agree with mommy-she is an incredibly easy, pleasant baby to take care of. It's just no fair that she goes to sleep by herself too