Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Crawfordsville Christmas Parade

Camden and I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon on Sunday at the parade.  She has been wearing her winter coat so I haven't taken the "mane" or ears off her pink heavy sweatshirt.  She wants to keep it my little pony and I had a good time!

She anxiously waited for the parade to start.  Almost every float or band or group throws candy so she was ready with her bag.

We haven't done too many parades, so I was so pleased that my happy girl caught on to wave at everyone.  It was just so her!

It is hard to see, but I loved the snow plows.  Each city elementary school (there are 4) painted a scene on the blade. 

My favorite float was Snoopy (an actual person in costume) making out his list.  Camden just made out her list on Friday, so she thought it was hilarious that he had such a long list too!

I couldn't capture it in the right time, but they would literally fire up the hot air flames as it went down the street.

Camden is beginning to enter the "horse" phase of girlhood.  She loved when the Clydesdales and other horses came by.   The thing she talks about the most was when one "did it's business" right in front of us.

Santa and Mrs. Claus finally made their way through on a four-wheeler!

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