Monday, May 6, 2013

Graduation Program

Friday night was Camden's final program...and graduation.
I grabbed a quick photo of Miss Lana with Camden when we arrived.  

Camden had a huge cheering section.  Gaga, Grandpa, Gramma Pat, Grampa Jim, Aunt Carole, Uncle Ric, ReeRee, Papaw, and Austin were there to help us celebrate.

The program featured the kids showing off some of the things they learned this year:  The Pledge of Allegiance, ABC's (featuring sign language and sounds of each letter, including short and long vowel sounds), counting by 10's, and a few other skills.

They then did a cute "skit" called, "It's About Life" with each kid getting the spotlight briefly.  They also sang some very cute songs.

Camden's part was about waking up in the morning (hence the pajama's and blanket) and remembering to thank God for a new day.

The kids really know how to project!  Camden could actually be heard slightly above the others.  In fact, one man came up afterward and joked about the "set of lungs" she had.  She did a great job and made us smile the entire time.

Lots of fun motions and sign language throughout.

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