Friday, May 24, 2013

Big Girl Bike

Camden was given a small bike (12" I believe) from some friends about 3 years ago.  She has enjoyed that bike!  But we really needed to upgrade it.  We have been semi-shopping for the last month (as the weather has warmed up) and wavered about waiting until her birthday (late July) and just letting her "get by" with the little one until then.  She loves to take spins on bikes whenever we are in a toy store/Walmart, so we are always checking things out.
Kevin and her were shopping on Tuesday at our local Walmart.  She wanted to take a spin around the aisle on a bike...and they found this one...

Camden fell in love.  I think the pink wheels and the pink backpack sealed the deal.  For having such tom-boy tendencies, she sure loves her pink!

It's an 18", but still had training wheels which was exactly what we wanted!  We are in no hurry to get her going without them, but I bet she'll be close by summer's end.

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