Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Swim Lessons

Camden is taking another 2 week session of swim lessons.  It only meets 4 times, but we see so much improvement in her skills already.

The first class she took was a parent-child class, but this one is only her.  We sit outside the window and watch.  She LOVES going.  She can hardly contain her excitement from the time she wakes up in the morning until they call them into the door. 

There are 5 kids in the class with ages ranging from 3 (Camden) to 9.  After the first few minutes together getting used to the water and playing a few games, the two teachers split up and Camden and a 4-year old boy go with the female teacher.

Camden has no problems doing what the teacher asks and is much more comfortable in the water than the boy.  All those trips to hotels have paid off!
She even is now very comfortable putting her whole head underwater!

At one point the teacher took them over to deeper water and had them float on their back while they sang the ABC's.  After several turns each, the instructor looked up to Kevin and I (watching through the window) and gave the OK signal.  After class she told me that Camden floated by herself.  She went on to say that Camden is doing very good (especially for a 3-year old).  She was teaching them to enter the water from the edge with their hands out in front of them and the instructor said Camden held her arms exactly as she was instructed.  She said very few kids (especially that young) are able to keep their arms extended the way Camden did.  I told her we were probably going to enroll her in the May session and she encouraged us to keep her going since she is showing great natural ability and such intense interest in it.  Our little fish!

1 comment:

Lindsay Reinert said...

Woohoo! Soon she'll be a star swimming with SCSC! Brings back fun memories!