Thursday, April 19, 2012

Career Day

Camden's class is studying their community this week.  On Monday, parents were invited to come share what job they do.  Kevin had the day off, so I took one too; together we shared our jobs.  I talked about what a pharmacists did then told them how I help Purdue students become pharmacist.  Kevin talked about working on the railroad.

He first showed them some of his model CSX trains, then put on each of his pieces of safety gear.  The kids loved it when he passed each thing around for them to hold.

He also had a few different lights that are used.  After the two of us, Ava's dad, a Crawfordsville police officer, spoke.  He talked about bullying and gave them a comic book with "super hero dog" that Camden talked about all evening but she likes to say, "super aero dog".

1 comment:

carole said...

Ok-maybe it's just me, but I'm noticing how Camden is sitting like such a big girl. Notice those long legs and that her feet reach to the floor:)