Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Anatomy of a Meltdown

Camden jumped in unattended after I told her no, so she got to sit in time-out.  This is the worst possible punishment in her mind (more than a spanking) and her lip immediately sprouted out.  Unfortunately, her ever increasing meltdown had me on the verge of laughing.  I held it together, but did take pictures (which is not the greatest parenting effort - however, it was too funny/cute). 

She really works that mouth...and then she cried and cried and cried.  Half were crocodile tears; half were real.

1 comment:

carole said...

Those are the hardest lessons to learn-but you're still the boss:) When it comes to safety, I agree that it's always important to get your point across. And all of the little darlings have meltdowns occasionally-even my angels:)