Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kevin's Impressions

As Camden says, "He's so silly." 

Can you guess this one?

It's his "Statue of Liberty." 

We were in the elevator going down to swim.  We got a hotel in Indy for a few nights before my vacation was over to enjoy some swimming and relaxing.  We don't Priceline in Indy since it's so hard to guarantee an indoor pool, but we still found a nice price near Kevin's work, so that he had a short drive and could enjoy the afternoons and evenings with us.

The hotel was starting to show it's age, but you could tell it was once a very nice place.  The pool was well layed out and from the big windows you could watch planes come in and out of the airport.  It was a little cool in the water/air (it was freezing outside), but Camden didn't mind!

She especially loved the waterfall from the whirlpool to the big pool.  She would "slide" down it over and over.

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