Friday, January 20, 2012

Camping In

Camden had to come home early from daycare because she had a fever.  She was simply feeling crummy, so we picked up a few videos to watch before heading home.  We knew we'd be housebound for a day or two.  After dinner (applesauce and a few crackers was all she wanted), we got her small video player out.  Kevin also suggested she might enjoy her tent.  That was a "great idea" to her.  She and Max spent a good amount of time in it watching, "The Incredibles".  

 Max liked it so much we had to move it to her bedroom for the night, otherwise we had a kitten attacking a tent and trying to claw his way up the sides.

 First thing this morning she asked for it again and it's back in the living room for her to enjoy relaxing in today.  Good news, MUCH lower temperature this morning. 

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