Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Raymond's Accident

Do not scroll down if you don't want to see "gory" pictures.

Grandpa French was burning some trash on Sunday afternoon.  Unbeknownst to him, there was an aeresol can in a bag that he dumped into the fire.  The can exploded in his face.  GaGa called our house frantic and Kevin (who was sleeping) rushed over and took him to the ER in Crawfordsville.  They were able to stop the bleeding, take a CAT scan to check for broken bones, and stabilize him.  However, he would need to go to a bigger (real) hospital for treatment.  They were sent to St. Vincent's in Indy, where he was seen by a plastic surgeon that specialized in the face.  According to GaGa, he had one pretty thick flap which started about an inch below his eye, then a smaller flap under the bigger one, about the size of the bottom of the can. He is swollen pretty badly, including a black eye and hemotoma around his neck.  Thankfully he is not complaining of pain. He also has a hairline fracture on his cheek bone (not much can be done for it).

We stopped over last night to check on him and it looks pretty good.  I was a little worried how Camden would react.  She made him a get well card and gave him a sweet kiss on the non-injured cheek.  She did point it out, but immediately said, "Silly Grandpa" and slapped her thigh.  She thought he looked "funny" not scary.  Last night as she was laying down for bed we talked about him and prayed, she said, "He looked like a cinnamon roll.  Silly Grandpa."  Well, the kid has a point...(see pictures below, if you want).

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