Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meet Max!

Santa called me earlier this week and said he had left something for Camden at the Almost Home Humane Society.  Kevin and I went on Thursday to check it out, then Camden and I returned on Saturday to bring home her new kitten.  Aunt Carole and ReeRee came to help her pick.

She wanted one that wasn't too "sharpy."  We had discussed with her that the kittens still had their claws, so she had to be careful.  She was concerned for a few days about them being too sharpy. 

The ones that Kevin and I had seen were already adopted.  They told us kittens went quickly, but knew there were enough others to still pick a good one.

Camden took to the first one I got out of the cage.  He was gentle and sat well on her lap.

He also immediately climbed up on my shoulder.

We tried a few other kittens, but this one seemed like "ours."

The shelter had named him, "Arturo," but on the way home, Camden was talking about Max from her favorite cartoon, "Max and Ruby."  I asked her if she wanted to name her kitten Max, and she said, "Oh, yes.  That is perfect."

She's in love.


1 comment:

carole said...

That is the most adorable video I've ever seen! At least that what everyone in my office is saying:)