Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday at the "Museum"

Saturday morning before the big party, Camden and I went to town to pick out some new books at the library.  She kept getting confused and called it, "The Museum." Camden loves playing with all the toys in the kids section.  She found a big bear and wanted to read him a book.  So she found the right selection, sat the bear at the table, pulled up her own seat, and read him a story.

She is really getting good at "reading" stories to others.  She looks at the pictures and tells what's going on.  Every story (and sometimes every page) begins with, "Once upon a time...."

There were puppet shows to put on (although Camden used it more like a kitchen counter) and train sets to take apart and put together.

She's can spend so much time moving things from one container to another.  She does it at home all the time and did it with the toys at the library too. 

Finally, we spent a few minutes at the computer station.  Mostly so that Camden could put on the "silencers."  Not sure where she heard that before or even where she has seen them, but she knew what they were and how they were used.

1 comment:

Grandma Pat said...

Such a busy little girl!! Such concentration! It's amazing to see how much you've learned in just 2 1/2 years!
I'm so glad Mommy didn't get hurt when she hit the deer. We seem to have so many of them near the roads anymore. You all be very careful!!
Love to you all! Gramma Pat