Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Storm

We got hit pretty good by the ice that went through the Midwest.  Our power went out about 3 o'clock on Tuesday.  Thankfully I was home since Purdue was closed for the day (and would close again on Wednesday).  Camden was still sleeping, so Kevin and I worked on the puzzle for another hour or so until she woke up.  We then headed over to GaGa's since they had a gas fireplace so we could at least stay warm.  Their elderly neighbor was also over since she only had electric, too.  Kevin headed to work by about 5:30 so he could be sure to take his time.  It took a little over 2 hours to go the 40 miles.  At least we knew he was somewhere safe.

We spent the evening by candlelight and firelight playing playdough and reading books. Camden was captivated by the fire so she even spent some time just zoning out looking at it.

 Pretty accurate lighting above and with flash below.

Even with the fire it got down to 53 degrees through the night.  We all had about 4 layers of blankets, plus a few layers of clothes and made it through quite comfortably.  In the morning we had to be a little creative to keep Camden bundled up.  She didn't like having so much on and her hands/face would get a little cold. She like the hat (for a few minutes) and Grandpa's shirt (for a little while).  Finally, she kept a sweatshirt on for most of the rest of the day until the power came back on about 3pm.  We stayed for a few more hours to give our house time to warm up!

1 comment:

Aspiring Mom2three said...

Looks like she had some fun in spite of the cold. I'm sorry ya'll lost power, but thankful you had somewhere close to go. We still have many schools that are closed through tomorrow. My kids are ready for some normalcy to life and warmer temps.