Monday, September 27, 2010


I've been wanting to get some apples to make apple butter, but hadn't found one close to our house. Ideally I wanted it to be a u-pick so we could walk through the orchard and sample. GaGa told us about one fairly close to Waveland that we planned to visit (and still may), but Camden and I were out driving on Saturday and stumbled across an orchard near Rockville. It wasn't a u-pick, but we got a peck of apples and so apple butter or applesauce or chunky apples are somewhere in our future this week.

Camden has been eyeing all the tiny pumpkins that are out this time of year as well. This place had a nice assortment, so she picked three. She has been taking them with her everywhere she goes.

The little store did have a great variety of apples and samples of each. Camden usually doesn't like the "skin" on apples, but surprisingly ate two varieties (scarlett beauty and gala) skin and all. Of course she wouldn't eat the peel on the ones we picked to bring home (jonathan).

Oh well, we loved the flavor of them. We may just end up eating this batch and heading to the other place this weekend to get some more. There is nothing like apples from the orchard!

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