Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blue Eyes

Camden has been struggling lately to sleep in her crib. But last night she went down without a problem and stayed in the entire night. Yippee! Although I must admit I kind of like when she sleeps with me the nights Kevin is at work...I don't like the nights on the couch when he's home.

We had some extra time this morning after we were both up and ready and enjoyed playing and being goofy. I decided to take a few "us" pictures. Besides the fact that growing out a portion of my bangs makes me look like I have a really bad haircut, I love this picture. Though Camden's not smiling, she doesn't have a nippy in her mouth and you can really see those big blue eyes. Eveyone says she has my eyes, but if you look closely, they aren't the same color at all. I have more green and hazel in mine (from my father) and Camden's are crystal blue. Gorgeous!


Grandma Pat said...

Hi, Blue Eyes!
You and your Mommy both have beautiful BIG blue eyes, even though the color may not be exactly alike. Some of Grandpa Don's family have clear blue eyes--like Aunt Rita and Uncle Bobby--that may be closer to your color. It's been a long time since I've seen them, but some of the family have dark brown eyes, some are more hazel/brown and some are very blue. My side of the family all have blue or blue/green eyes, though various shades. I love both my blue-eyed girls (and your cousin Lauren,too)!!
Gramma Pat

carole said...

I'll say yeah for the going down and staying in her crib all night! Aunt Carole can now say that Yes snuggling is fun, but not at 2 a.m. A rare face shot without the nippy but I'm a little partial to those blue eyes too! They aren't exactly like Lala's either-hers are more grey. Camden is sole owner of the baby blue's in our family:)