Thursday, December 17, 2009

Can't Get Enough

This girls' expressions are too much. Those eyes always make me wonder what she is thinking...cause I know she is always thinking something! She's jabbering and jabbering all the time. Definitely trying to tell us stuff...full conversations...but we, of course, have no idea what she is saying!

Her face is broke out in the top picture which is usually a sign of teething (along with a bad diaper rash). She also has been crying in her sleep the past two nights. Sure enough, this morning when I was changing her, I saw that another tooth is popping through. I think that's number 13 or 14!

Now if we could only get some hair to grow!


carole said...

She has way more than she used to Mom and about what our kids had at her age. She WILL get some eventually-not too many bald teenagers out there.

Grandma Pat said...

Hi, Adorable!!
Yes, you'll get more hair before long, and it will probably be thick and full like her Mommy's, but this way we can see those huge blue eyes all the better! I surely do miss seeing you, but love seeing the pictures. Keep up the good work, Mommy!
Love to you all,
Gramma Pat