Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday Visitors

The Braunds came down on Saturday to do some hunting, some shopping, and some football watching. Camden loved the company. Her cousin RaRa (or "ReeRee" in it's current Camden utterings) is always a favorite. She plays and plays and plays with Camden.

At the stores RaRa even carrys her, which pleases Camden to no end since she isn't confined to the cart. Although I must say the Tony Stewart carts at Home Depot are too cool. Camden loves "driving" in them!

Camden was happy when Daddy and Uncle Ric got home from hunting.

'Cause that meant it was time for supper. Her new eating trick is to dip everything. In anything. Ketchup, ranch dressing, water...or even if she can pretend to dip her food into something, it seems to make it taste better.

After some snuggle time with Aunt Carole,

it was time for a few presents. It wasn't really Christmas gifts, but we found some Colts attire that we knew Aunt Carole and Uncle Ric would like and so we bought them. Camden was such a good helper in taking them their gifts, but also helping to unwrap them. I think Christmas is going to be fun this year!

Plus Uncle Ric let her model the goods.

She may need something a bit smaller!

1 comment:

Carole and Ric said...

A perfect day. Camden-Ree Ree-really?? Auntie Carole is still waiting for her nickname?? Whenever I try to get you to say my name you get a puzzled look on your face, think for a while, then chuckle- but you haven't made any attempts at that difficult name yet:( That's ok-you still hold out your arms for me-even when Ree Ree has you. That makes up for a lot!