Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Classroom Zoom

I am so thankful for a tiny "rural" school district that has been ahead of the curve with technology for years.  Camden has had a laptop for education from the school since she was in Kindergarten.  We have had 2 winters of e-learning education, while not daily, but with time to iron our the kinks.  When this all went into play, our school was fast with a response and have been constantly adapting and responding.  

This week, they adjusted the amount of work and it has been a welcome relief and provided a much happier school/work/home balance.  Yesterday, Camden had a Zoom class with her teacher and any others who wanted to attend.  She was the first one on and had a quick chat with Mrs. Barr before others joined in.

I think about 11 kids in total were in the conversation at one point and they were able to go through a couple of the bigger projects they were to be working on over the next few weeks.

Adapted from one of my friends' post on Facebook in a kudos to Southmont School District:  They are keeping our kids learning (and more importantly, occupied with a routine:, they are keeping them fed by delivering meals right to their homes, and they are watching out for their mental health by giving them time to catch up each week.  All of Camden's teachers are being flexible and light-hearted.  The assignments aren't just work.  All of our teachers are giving kids their home and cell phone numbers...just in case.  They are doing face to face lessons now too and utilizing zoom.  I'm just super proud of the Mountie Family.

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