Thursday, April 9, 2020

Baking Bug?

Lots of people are baking during this pandemic.  We are doing it out of necessity.  We have lots of fruit that is getting past it's eating stage or that we simply have too much of.  So....

Camden made banana bread with minimal supervision. 

Homemade cinnamon applesauce in the instant pot...only 5 minutes!  The school lunches almost always include an apple.   They are usually small and not the freshest so we most likely won't eat them as a snack.  However, it made some of the best applesauce I've had in a while.

Next I have to figure out what to do with some strawberries that are over-ripe.  Searching recipes now...

1 comment:

carole said...

I just recently saw that you could dehydrate strawberries and they are delicious! Also, pop them in the freezer and then make smoothies, make cooked strawberry "syrup (with chunks)" for pancakes like Aunt Mirna, or milkshakes!! Yum!!