Monday, April 20, 2020

Bike Practice

Camden very rarely has gotten to ride a bike in her life.  It's sad!  We have always been on gravel roads/driveways or a busy county road.  Additionally, she has outgrown her kids bike.  We decided it was time to make sure she was comfortable on a bike (plus she needed some exercise and to get out of the house).

We have had 2 adult bikes given to us in the past year.  I have ridden one of them which was a bit too short for me even with the seat at it's highest.  However, we realized it was perfect for Camden.  She was not excited to try it and the gravel in our drive proved difficult.  We decided to hop in the truck and head to our church's parking lot.

She hesitated for a moment, then hopped on and was shocked that she not only could ride it, but loved it.  She rode for about 20 minutes and has asked to go again tonight. 

Kevin was airing up the tires on this bike and his.  He popped the inner tube in one of his tires so needs to stop and get a new one, but they plan to go ride in the parking lot a few more times and then will do some riding up and down our road once she is more comfortable.

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