Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Addams Family

Camden had an audition yesterday for the musical at her school.  The Jr. High production of "The Addams Family" is this fall. 

It was a true audition.  She said there were 28 kids who tried out.  There were main parts, small parts with a few lines, then the "ancestors" and "ghosts" which were ensemble parts.  She was #2, so was early on in the process.

 She had her vocal audition first.  She went into a room and sang one of the songs from the show with three of the adults involved working with her.  She hadn't really learned the song, but said she did her best and that they were happy with her effort. 

Next she went back to the main group where everyone was learning a dance routine to "Thriller."  She loved it and showed me some of the routine that evening.

Finally, she was put with 3 other kids and they did a script reading.  I am not sure, but my guess is that this would be one of her strengths.  She is a very animated reader.

She will get a call-back for Wednesday evening if they want her to read for a certain part.  If no call-back, it means her part was already assigned.  She would really like to be one of the ghosts or one of the bit parts.  They will post the roles on Thursday at school and rehearsals start on Sunday.  Whew!

I got all of this play-by-play over dinner at China Inn.  That's her tempura chicken.  Love this girl so much and the confident young lady she is!

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