Friday, August 2, 2019

Locker Days

The last two days of this week were set aside as "locker days" at the Jr. High so the kids could come in, put stuff in their lockers, decorate, walk their schedule, etc.  Kevin and I took her this morning.

Her locker is right in the middle of the 6th grade hallway and on the end of a row.  Her combination is also an easy one to remember...but took a bit of practice to get the turns correct.  She is patient enough to try a second (or third) time if she doesn't get it right away.

The inside was blank except for a dry erase board on the door.

But we found a cute locker set at Walmart and she went to town decorating.

We actually bought two sets because one was unicorn (on the door) and the second came with a small shelf that could give her some additional storage options inside.  It also had a dry erase board, a mirror, and a pencil holder so those are on the back wall of her locker and actually were very handy too.

We have a few more things to get.  She needs a little basket for the stuff on the bottom and a pencil holder to take to classes with her.  We also have to print a picture of each of her animals to hang in magnetic frames (which we have).  Then she is ready for first day on Tuesday!

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